Sep 26, 2005 15:09
I havent updated in such a freakin long time!! >.>; Well, I guess you guys dont either...but heh...
Well, school started ever since 4 weeks ago and high school is pretty much the same thing as middle school and elementary: BORING! Yes, very...
I just noticed something about my school, (it's called Vanden if you wanna know, HOME OF THE VIKINGS!): There are so much Asians there!!! >.<; OMG!!! I just noticed that today since this is the only day when all the Asians were all together! They did a group hug and they tried to pull me in with them coz I'm Asian too but I just patted them on the back coz we looked like idiots. Literally! The hallway was full of Asians hugging! XD; The non-Asians were passing by looking at us like was kinda funny. ^__^ See how connected these Asians all are? I dont even know more than half of them but they know someone who knows someone who knows someone, etc....Now I have new friends. Joy. Coz we're Asians and racists. lol I'm just kidding. But every one's racists in that school, coz from what I see..blacks hang with blacks, whites with whites, latinos with latinos...yeah. It's stupid but I'm sure its in every school.
Ahh...speaking of connections, I have connections with Gackt Camui and Mana!!!! XDDD YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! It goes like this: my dad met Brad Pitt's butler, who met Brad Pitt, who met Morning Musume, who met Gackt, who met Mana!! XDDD;;;
Yes, if you havent noticed I am so into Mana and Gackt!!! I still like Dir en Grey and Miyavi dont worry. But as I start discovering more and more Jrock bands the more I like! *_*
Omg....this just popped up. I am so jealous of this one girl in my school coz she's a Miyavi freak! Literally, she cut her hair like his, she got a lip piercing, she dresses like him, she freakin' acts like him ok??? I dont know her but my friend knows her friend who knows her. And she's Asian.
Oh yeah...I joined 3 clubs in my school: dancing club, fashion club, and you guessed it...Asian club. O_O Tomorrow's the meeting...yeah, I hope I remember. Hella people signed up there and not just Asians. There were hecka white people and blacks and yeah...they think our culture's interesting, well mainly the Japanese.
Yeah...oh and one more thing:
I have known you Livejournal friends for one year already!!!!!!! -gasp-
Man, that went by so fast. I think this year's gonna go by fast too. Huh?
So...what are you guys gonna be for Halloween?
I'm thinking of being Willy Wonka, but my cousin got that. >.>; So maybe...I'm thinking of being Mana! XDD
Last year, I was a Grimm, if y'all remember? And my cousin was Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, and my other cousin was just a Vampire Goth or something. what are you gonna be hmmm??