As the title suggests... last night was just... one of THOSE nights. You know, the ones where I'm just hallucinating and thinking that every thing is funny, and cracking jokes before I even know what I'm about to say.
Jackie and Greg: *talking about camping*
Greg: *talking about caterpillars in his sleeping bag*
Jackie: I like caterpillars! They have these eyes that you can't see, and these cute little black faces... Caterpillars, are African-American!
Greg and Jackie: *long pause...... crack up*
Greg: Go to bed.
Just... one of THOSE nights. And now I know why: HORMONES. Remember when I told you that my period was going to be sometime this week, Greg? Weeell... guess what! I woke up this morning with a terrible surprise. D: I hate my period. I hate everything it brings. Watch, watch, I'm going to get hit on SO many times today because my pheramones are like "WHOO, PARTY!"
Ahem. On the other hand, I'm getting my father's birthday present today. I'll tell you guys what is it AFTER I give it to him, because I don't want him to somehow find out. (I wouldn't put it past him...) Greg, I think you already know... but whatever. I'll even take pictures of the thing that will engulf and munch on my entire paycheck.
Ahem. Oh! I've also got this new MMO working. It's called Holic Online, and it's pretty neat. Wanna see my character?
Everyone? Meet AuraCantos, a gun-slinging Hunter Monk. Or... Monk Hunter, depending on how you're looking at it. I've got two jobs. My main is a Hunter, and my sub-class is Monk. (Regen buff, ftw.) I think Aura's super-cute, wiff her widdle pigtails and Scary Hawk Guns. (Srsly, that's what they're called!)
That's one of the bosses, but he was surprisingly easy to take down. Don't let the picture fool you, he was up on a hill, and slightly bent down, so he was bigger than he looks. Oh, and that's RagTime by my feet, he's a little Robot-ish-type pet that I simply adore. He was ugly then, but he's evolved (sorta) and got prettier. (He's got BLUE feathers, now!) The other thing is a... Tupila Grengii, I think? It's a plant-type monster, I don't know. They're level 11 or something, but are also easy to take down.
...anyway. On to playing nau! Love you guys!