Two dreams last night:

Dec 13, 2003 15:42

First dream is really cool:
I booked a plane to Hawaii to see my family. Only no one was there. I mean no one at all. It was practically abandoned. I saw my dad who was, in my dream, friends with an airline pilot. They said it was infested with zombies and they have to get out of there. He told me my mom and sister made it out in time. So I went to the airport with them to help them fuel the plane and get it running. On the way we found a few survivors so we went took them along. The airports in my dream are always re-occuring. It's usually large and abandoned like when I dream of subways. They're always circular, as in the connecting concourses make a big circle. Just as the plane was about to take off I saw a burning house. I knew there could be a few survivors but there were way too many zombies loose for the others to take the risk and help out. I told my dad to take off and I got off the plane to try and help the last few people I knew were still alive. I went to the abandoned house saw a bunch of zombies crowded around a few people. Some of them were still alive but I saw a lot of half-eaten people. At this moment, I wondered if I'd become a zombie and how human flesh would taste. I shifted dreams.

2nd Dream:
I was back in Misawa, Japan. Only this time it was different. It was like Las Vegas with a large casino inside of it. It was weird but the casino was the only thing that looked really nice. The rest of it was destroyed. I saw some of my friends. Merry, Nathan, Danny, Carlos, and some more I can't remember. I had these Misawa "bucks" my dad gave me. They worked like real money apparently. I was gonna get something to eat and then go gamble while my friends wanted to hang outside in the ruins. Kinda looked like a mini-Stonehenge outside this one window. While I was waiting in line I wondered if I could make copies of this money, since it was so cheesey and printed out on plain paper. I talked to some old ladies playing poker when I noticed my money was gone. I threw a fit and this tall young black lady was all sad. I comforted her and told her I could never get mad at her. I checked my pocket and I had more money than I origionally did. So I didn't gamble and just sat on the balcony and watched my friends play in the ruins of Misawa.
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