Am I losing control, or just my mind. (hopefully the latter)

May 01, 2002 22:50

So all goes about the same as usual. But the usual changes every week, makes life interesting, makes Kendal crazy (its late so Im licensed to talk about Kendal in the third person).

I swore off homework this evening. I think it was the senior in me. I spent the evening with Meara. The joys of love!

So what's the problem right? Well for one thing I feel like I have lost all control of my time. Rehearsal seems to slip right through my fingers and I don't think we're getting any ware. Ms. Leebron is really sweet but I think that she doesn't quite know how to run an effective rehearsal. Its driving me crazy. 2 cast members have high tones so instead of waiting until the finish to run their scenes we just bulldoze through the entire act, because that's sooooo helpful! (this is where the sarcasm drips)

I haven't studied one second for the AP test, which I could care less about. Well so I lied I care 80 bucks about it.

Its really shitty when you spend the first hour of your day in an Orthodontics chair.

I recently changed my bedtime to midnight because I feel liberated not feeling like a criminal not going to seminary. But what Ive discovered is that the more hours Im awake in the day the less I seem to get done.

I did however read something very interesting today. Im reading critical essays on King Lear because I recently finished reading that play and Ive run across some very interesting ones. Freud says that Lear demonstrates all the possible relationships with women. Tolstoy says that Shakespeare is a hack that doesn't write believable dialog. And Orwell wrote a profoundly eloquent rebuttal about how Tolstoy just hated Lear because he was so much like him. Literature is the greatest.

Well goodnight all of you in Kendal's cyber world, and in Kendal's head.
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