Jun 15, 2014 21:38
Don't you laugh while you're all shackled up
Are you confused as to what this place is about?
Don't you fix rules as you well please
Nobody has that kinda authority on hand
頭の中空にして ただ今を感じろ
Clear your head Just savour this moment
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 聞こえない
腹の底から ためてるもの もう全て吐き出せ
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 感じない
全てを捨てて 夜をぶち壊せ
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can’t hear ya
Throw up everything that has accumulated In the pit of your stomach
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can't feel ya
Cast everything aside Destroy the night
No one is asking for it,
So stop wreaking havoc over the stupidest things
What I’m asking for is,
Let’s get high on these exuberant sounds, that’s it
誰にも咎めさせない 好きに楽しもうぜ
Don’t let no one criticize Let’s enjoy ourselves as we like
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 聞こえない
無理やりじゃなく 受け入れよう さぁ自分の意志で
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 感じない
理性を捨てて 今をぶち壊せ
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can’t hear ya
Don't have nothing forced down your throat Take it in By your own free will
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can't feel ya
Cast reason aside Destroy this moment
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 聞こえない
腹の底から ためてるもの もう全て吐き出せ
叫べ Hi! Hi! そうじゃない もっと Hi! Hi! 感じない
全てを捨てて 夜をぶち壊せ ぶち壊せ
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can’t hear ya
Throw up everything that has accumulated In the pit of your stomach
Shout it out, “Hi! Hi!” Not like that Give me more, “Hi! Hi!” Can't feel ya
Cast everything aside Destroy the night Destroy it all