To Chris

Jan 25, 2004 11:25

Suicide is NOT an act. Have you ever felt it, really? Do you ever want to feel it?
The blade has traced and the blade has a few times cut but see, I have this problem. I don't want to die all the time. If I wanted to die all the time then I would be on suicide watch.
No. I'm not suicidal when it suits me, or any of that BS. I get suicidal when I remember, which unfortunately for me, is quite often.
HOWEVER unless you've been like, watching me, how would you know if I spend large tracts of time alone? Mostly I don't. I'm almost always with people, or with someone. So, I'm rarely alone.
I'm a student. So what? That doesn't keep other people who may or may not have problems from attending. I, personally, know many people who have had problems who were students and kept on being students even when things got rough.
In order to reach my goal, to reach my dreams....I have to be here first.
If I just give up and crawl away, then what have I learned except that I'm not strong enough to do this?
Things may bend me, they may bind me or try to break me, but they won't. THEY CAN'T.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or so they say. If that's true, then I have the potential to be very strong.
Suicide is NOT an act. I repeat that becuase it bears repeating.
I can't imagine how dull your life must be, in comparison to my own, if you see the need to comment on each and every little thing that goes on.
Yeah, I was pregnant. And no, I'm not anymore. It's a terrible choice to make but I think that I made the right one for me.
And yes, I was pregnant before. HOWever, that was in the past, about four years ago. I am hardly what I was then. I have grown, and for the better.
I tried to kill the pain, but only bled more! How true that is.
I get close to breaking, but nothing has broken me yet. I have come close but nothing has yet, or ever will. Well, there is one thing that would break me.
We aren't your friends. As you claim we are all shallow, you can see through us..if this is true, then what is it about us that entertains you so?
If you want to see cheesy drama, go watch a soap opera. You may find this highly amusing, but for the rest of us, this is life.
It's not always pretty, and it's not always safe, happy or good.
Honestly, if you were a little less jaded you'd have a much better time, you self-righteous, self-serving, egotistical bastard.

Hopefully this is the last time I EVER have to communicate with you. I'm tired of you. You listen, but you do't really hear, do you? If you did, you'd have left the lot of us alone, I can think of a few who have told you to do as much.

In an old entry, you said that you and I talked over 'shrooms at a party. Do you remember that?
I'll tell you something. The 'party' you were referring to was one which did not go to. All I knew of you being there was someone laughing at the fact that you showed up at someone's party high on mushrooms.
So, you see, you must have been talking to someone else. I'm afraid that I was never even there that night. It is, however, rather frightening that I was a part of your mushroon-induced high. Makes me wonder.

So go fuck off; if you want something to insult, go make a recording of the sound of your voice.
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