
Nov 24, 2008 18:31

    Here’s some context on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, in case it’s not a show you’ve watched. The main character is Buffy, and she’s a slayer (someone who is supposed to kill vampires and demons and other evil things). She moves to Sunnydale after she burns down the gym in her old school, and she meets her new watcher (someone who directs the slayer in what she should do to protect people, telling her about different demons and upcoming apocalypses) named Giles. He works in the library at school. Underneath the library is the Hellmouth, which is pretty much what it sounds like.

At first she gets along well with a girl named Cordelia who is popular but she eventually realizes this girl is petty and shallow and makes friends with less popular but much cooler people named Xander and Willow (and Jesse who dies in the second episode, what an unimportant guy. In fact, it took quite a while just to remember what his name was). She meets Angel(cakes) who helps to advise her about upcoming apocalypses as well, and is a vampire with a soul, but Buffy doesn’t find that out until the end of the 1st season.

At the end of the first season, Buffy dies (she drowns) and so (as per the legend) another slayer rises to take her place, so when Xander performs CPR to revive her you end up with two slayers in the second season, causing some fun confusion. Later on, Willow becomes a witch and starts dating a werewolf named Oz, who is awesome. My favorite character in “Buffy” is Spike, who is a vampire that is a lot more human-like than most soulless vampires and then gets even better when he gets a soul at the end of season 6. He is very funny and sarcastic and helps to keep everyone from getting too stupid.
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