Jan 26, 2014 06:12
Monday, January 20
Woke up early, and decided to get breakfast for the room. Both Raz and FoxLord were still asleep, but I knew that Raz wanted coffee and FoxLord wanted a breakfast burrito from Carl's Jr. While the Mcdonald's near the hotel has homeless, the Carl's Jr. actually has some homeless who shelter themselves using its foyer. I returned with the food to find both roommates somewhat awake. I started to take things down to the car to be packed, trying to avoid the mad rush to checkout and the elevator crush that results from same.
After a few trips back and forth to the room, all was ready for final checkout. Before we left San Jose, we visited the Japanese Friendship Garden. FoxLord and I make this a pilgrimage of our trip, but this was Raz' first time at the garden. It was beautiful and well worth the minor delay in starting our trip home. Raz' cellphone takes marvelous pictures, and we enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the garden in contrast to the energy of the con. A gorgeous white crane greeted us by striding over rocks near the large pool of the garden next to the tea house. The koi swam fitfully as children gazed and pointed.
Finally, we left the garden and dropped FoxLord back at the hotel as he was to fly out that afternoon. We found the 101 following the directions of the hotel luggage handler I spoke to, but we could have gotten there faster by following one freeway. Oh well. We weren't in a rush to leave. On our way down the 101, we stopped in Salinas for lunch at the Black Bear Cafe. This cafe has comfort food and lots of it. Not a place to stop when you are on a diet. Anyway, before we got to San Luis Obispo, we had a slight misadventure.
On the way up to San Jose, I told Raz about one particular stop to avoid. This exit, even though it has icons promising food, shelter, and gas, simply leads to a long bridge. The resulting town has few services, if any. It is a nightmare and I always hate mistaking the stop. Well, as luck would have it, I needed to use a restroom and guess which exit I chose?
The San Ardo exit is to be avoided, unless you are a fan of horror movies. I found a general store, but there was a big sign: No Public Restrooms. I asked the person behind the counter where I could find a public restroom, and he directed me to two port-a-potties to the side of the store. Meanwhile, Raz stayed with the car and had to contend with some hillbilly types giving her the hairy eyeball while she waited. Cue the Deliverance music. We got out of there as quickly as we could. Next time, I will have that exit marked on the map as a no-go there zone.
We stopped in San Luis Obispo and checked into the Apple Farm Inn. This lovely inn has rooms and a beautiful restaurant and gift shop. Our cozy room had comfortable beds and we slept well after the fun madness of the con. Raz took several pictures and we found a gift for a friend at the gift shop.
Well, that concludes my report of the FC 2014 convention. We had a great time, and are grateful to Susandeer, Bennie, Lisa Sample(Micole, Lisa Lynx), Mel White, FoxLord, Chythar, Synicism and many others I cannot remember. We hope we added to the fun and did nothing to cause dismay. I learned that both Raz and FoxLord came down with con crud on Friday. I hope it passes quickly.