Project Name: "Kagrra, is the BEST!!" Around The World.
Project Owners: Yamada Juu (
kumikojuu) & Shinichirou Shuu (
Subject: A Fanvideo to Kagrra,. Message is "Kagrra, is the BEST!!" in all languages.
Content: Konnichiwa minna !! We decided to organize a project about Kagrra, and we need your help. It's about a fanvideo, but we must work together. We will say "Kagrra, is the BEST" in all languages to Kagrra,-sama !!
If you want to join this project, write your name and country below.
Then, the only thing that you do is;
- Take a cardboard and write "Kagrra, is the BEST!!" in your native language. For example If your nationality is Japanese, write "Kagrra、はベストバンドです!!" or something like this! (our Japanese isn't so good XDD)
- Design your cardboard as you wish.
- Finally show your cardboard to the camera and say "Kagrra, is the BEST!!" in your own language.
That's it !!
- Your video length will be decided according to people who join this project.
- Decide your theme and record your video until 1st of April. Be free !!
- Video will be finish on 3rd of June. (Kagrra,'s 12th birthday.)
- Please be understanding and share this project with other Kagrra, lovers.
Finally, we need your advise for the background song. What should it be ? Absolutely It must be Kagrra, but which song it must be...?
We'll be so grateful if you join our project. Thank you so much !!!
Kagrra, is the BEST!! in our hearts~