Kagrra, Shanghai One-man Live, August 7th at TongLeFang, Shanghai China

Oct 29, 2010 18:21

It was the first time that Kagrra, performed in Shanghai, and, of course, it was their first one-man live in China. I wasn't expecting a large number of die-hard fans waiting for Kagrra, before the live; however, it turned out that I was totally wrong. Although it was a hot summer day, as mentioned in the press note previously, there was already a long line waiting outside the live house a few hours before the opening. The fans' costumes caught my eye. Some were wearing a Yukata with traditional Japanese patterns, while some were in a Qi Pao, a traditional mandarin gown. Both shared the common point of overflowing Oriental beauty.

The live house seemed like a secret room under a bar. Walking down stairs that descended through a dark hallway, I found the stage right in front of standing seats. Fans ran into the house to find the best place for themselves to watch the show. Girls standing in the first row were so close to the stage that they even could touch the band members. It was quite a small live house, and the audience quickly filled the venue. The stage setting was simple and compact, without any decorations.

live report

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