Mar 19, 2006 12:19
Its been a while since I have wrote anything, but I feel like I should at least breifly cover my spring break. On the Friday I got home I went to see the Spring Musical at Triton. That was the only day I had really seen any of my old friends. On that day I saw Erin, Beth, Christine, Hunter, Jess H., Jess Kn., etc. On Sat. I got settled into my bedroom and relaxed, later on I went and played Tennis with Devin and Jennifer. I was actually not that bad, which shocked me. Monday I went to get my wisdom checked out and began to realize that my teeth will prob. always "technically" need work to be done on them. The guy told me that if I wanted I could get surgery done on the elignment of my mouth so that I no longer have an underbite. But I have an appointment set up for mid-May to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. Later on I went to the library to do some of the research I needed to do for my English paper. Tuesday I got to interview Mr.Taylor and attend a Natural Science class for my environmental issues project. Wed. and Thurs. just relaxed and spent time on school work. Friday had dinner with Jeremy, Jason, Tara, and Erin, for St. Patricks day. It was a bunch of fun and a really good meal. That night I got an amusing phone call from Dave. Basically its been a week of relaxation and school work catch up. Its been mostly alone time. I have barely seen Jennifer, and parents has been just occational hi's and pets were my main source of company. Oh one quicky is on Fri. I got an application to work and Newbury Animal Hospital. So ya, its been pretty nice.