Oh, this family is going to be the end of me. . .

Apr 19, 2007 00:00

Today, I did what my dad said and "cleaned." I cleaned my stuff and then he told me to take my mom's stuff and my sister's stuff and just to go and dump it out on the lawn. Well, I did that, but I was nicer because I found a big cardboard box and put the stuff in that box out on the lawn.

I had wanted Briana to go with our mom so she wouldn't be in my way and start yelling at me, but of course, she did not go. This was extremely irritating because instead of letting me do what my dad said to do, she kept yelling when she was awake.

The really horrible thing is that although that box was filled to the top with junk, a lot of it trash, this living room still looks like a pigsty. They really do not get it.

They don't throw trash away and instead they throw it on the floor. I don't know how many envelopes I found on the ground and old ads that came in the mail. Pathetic!

In good news, I've been able to do more exercising now. I've got my Push Up Bars and two five pound neoprene dumbbells. Then I also do sit-ups and now that I've been feeling okay when I let my dog out at night, I do some jumping jacks and maybe some running in place. I don't tend to do that in the house because of the house being on piers and that makes the whole house shake!

I looked up my body mass index and it says that my ideal weight is 100-127. I weight myself after taking my shower yesterday and it said that I weight 129. So, that's not too bad, but of course, the closer to 100, the better!

At Academy, I also got an Adidas track suit. It's a pretty violet and it matches the violet ballet flats. I have a lighter violet shirt, so it makes a great outfit! I actually bought the pants (small) and then went back to buy a jacking hoping that they had a small or medium, but they only had a large and it's not too bad.

So, I'm happy that I have a cute little suit. I love wearing the sporty-type looking stuff. I love those cheap yoga pants and jackets from Walgreens.

So, yeah, cleaning=not so great. Exercise=going pretty well.

Stein Auf!

irritating family, sister, family, irritating sister

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