An Open Letter to My Brain

Sep 22, 2006 21:43

Dear Brain,

Just like every other child in the world, child actors and actresses grow up and eventually become adults. Haley Joel Osment was born in April 1988. This makes me only about a month shy of being six years his elder. This would mean that he is now 18 years of age. He is officially an adult. Please quit thinking of him as that little boy who said, "I see dead people." It is okay to know that he played that part, but he is no longer that little boy or the little boy who starred as Matt Foxworthy in the Jeff Foxworthy show.

You have seen Pay It Forward and he was probably 10 or 11 in that movie as it was released when he was 11. It would at least be better if you thought of him as that preteen now rather than that little kid.

See, actors age even if they don't seem to mature, they do age. Brain, please start thinking accordingly.

Your Owner

open letters

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