broken hearts and the state of the world

May 08, 2006 19:27

Nobody has broken my heart, but my heart is broken. It is broken for the state of the world. Eritrea, Darfur, China, Africa. . .people being killed because of their faith, people dying of AIDS, people claiming that God has told them to kill people, people starving, people dying of starvation - and then there's me. There's me, in the United States, with my family, in a house, with food, and a dog.

I mean, I thank God for this daily. Yet, all those people, worse of than I am. My heart is broken. If only there could at least be peace - no more killing and wars. We could help lots more. I know that there are plenty of organizations providing food when and where they can.

Me, with all these blessings, and still stressed at the facts that my sister is a spoiled brat and I can't seem to find a job. Yet, me, better off than the majority of people in this world.

Those faithful Christians living like that are such inspirations to me. They amaze me. I know that I couldn't handle it.

Yet, there we go - God made me who I am. God made them who they are.

Still, my heart is broken.

When I get settled into a permanent full time job, I want to support a Compassion International child. That is important to me.

I want to help.

Sometimes I wish I were blind to the truths of the world, but really, I don't. I don't want to live in a world where I think everybody has it as well as I do and these are the only stresses to have.

Let Me See

Lord, take this broken heart of mine
Mend it with Your love.
Help me look beyond the world.
Let me see heaven above.
Keep me faithful.
Keep me strong.
Keep me in your arms.
Keep Your people close at heart.
Let them join the angels' songs.
Lord, take this broken heart of mine.
Mend it with Your love.
Help me look beyond the world.
Let me see heaven above.

~ Bridget Ilene Delaney ~

my poetry

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