Discernment of the Spirits comment . . .

Mar 24, 2017 12:42

I was reading a post that was talking about Discernment of the Spirits. Some of it seemed strange, but there were other parts with which I could easily related. I left this comment:

"I'm not LDS, but nobody ever believes things that I say and then they don't even acknowledge them when they come to pass. I knew that somebody's mother had cancer. I left a comment on his Facebook page that was very gentle telling him a story about my grandmother and how she had cancer . . . nobody else did this. Of course, I was praying for healing for her just like the others were, but I was the only one to mention that. I knew she had cancer and I had only met her twice. I didn't like knowing that, but I knew it. I thought I knew it from the first time I met her, but who was going to believe me when all she did was give me a peppermint? I couldn't just tell the guy, "Hey, your mother has throat cancer."

I can't always tell, but there are some people that it is just obvious they will be in a relationship. I knew to not even pursue one guy when I was a senior in high school because he was meant to be with a gal in the class where I met him. I liked both of them, too, so it was a happy thing for me to witness. Then, I met a guy and a gal once for Nanowrimo. It was the first time that they had ever met, but when I walked into where we met, I got the feeling that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I never said anything, but eventually, they did get together."

I can tell of other things in my life, too. I don't think I can KNOW the future and I do believe God has given us free will. it is confusing, but there just seem to be some things that God lets you know that are either currently happening or that He wants something certain to happen. That's the only sense I can make of it. It's not like I know what I am going to eat for dinner tomorrow (unless I have that planned . . .LOL).

When I was younger (probably middle school), I had a dream of an airplane crashing. When I got up, there was a news report of an airplane crashing.

I had a "deja vu" moment once when I was in the Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge making it seem like I had been there before, but it was only in one little spot.

One time when my parents were alive, I had a dream that a bunch of people in some type of uniforms were all standing around something on a wall in my house even though it didn't look like my house. My Daddy wasn't there. I didn't like the feeling that I had. I shook it off because at that time, things were fine. This happened. It ended up being the people from the alarm company when they were first installing the alarm in our house.

I had barely known him at the time, but I was at ACTS with Briana and for some reason I knew that I would somehow be talking to Mr. Mark in a certain area of the theatre (the back where the actors leave) and Star Trek would be mentioned. This didn't make sense because I don't know that much about Star Trek. It turned out that it was during White Christmas rehearsals and that I had said it felt like my ankle was hurting. Yet, it wasn't really MY ankle. I was telling him about being an empath and how a friend had sprained her ankle and I had been feeling that on that day.

There are other little examples, but those are the ones that come to mind. Also, Briana has fixed lunch, so it's time to eat.

discernment of the spirits, discerning, spiritual gifts

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