This stupid election . . . and the results . . .

Nov 09, 2016 22:50

I'm sick . . . I honestly hoped our country would do better. I was hoping more people would vote for a third party candidate (even if I didn't really LIKE that candidate) than would for Trump so either Hillary Clinton or a third party candidate would get elected. Now we have to deal with Trump!

I'm sick of people saying how he will bring back Christian values to the United States! He won't!

God is love. Love is not hating people based on race or ability or sex or sexual orientation. That is NOT love. That is NOT Christian.

Trumps has openly said that he does NOT need Jesus' forgiveness, so he doesn't even KNOW what Christianity is about!

I'm sad that Bernie Sanders didn't win the democratic primary. I've been sad about that. I really liked him and his values and what he said he would do, well the majority of it. I don't remember everything, but he was great.

Now, I am truly scared.

I'm not some 1940s or 1950s housewife married (and if I were, it would have to be to a fully abled white husband) with at least one child or one on the way - who either has a little "at home" job or a husband with a great job that provides healthcare.

To me, Trump's America seems like he wants EVERY household to look like the Cleaver's house from Leave It to Beaver.

Makes me sick. And scared. And I just want to cry at times.

sickening, frightening, trump, scary, election

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