May 23, 2015 22:45
Some medicines are important. I know some are. However, there are some that advertise and seem like they are not important. Then, there are those that are not important at all (who needs a medicine that gives you thicker eyelashes . . . and yes, there is one). These commercials seem like this to me:
If you don't like the feel of sneezing, talk to your doctor about STERMINATRIX. STERMINATRIX has been found to cause the mild side effects of constant toe itching, hair grown on the chin and knuckles, and gigantic earlobes. In some cases, STERMINATRIX has been found to cause constant hand flapping, inflated gall bladder, and irreversible reversing of the knee cap. However, if you really dislike the sensation of sneezing, STERMINATRIX may be for you.