LJDQ Answers!

May 22, 2014 16:54

Go. Play. Be silly!
1. In the original television series "Battlestar Galactica", what famous dancer played the part of Starbuck's father?

Queequeg Astaire

2. In the musical "Chicago", which character welcomes the audience to the show?

Shaggy Illinois

3. Who wrote the original short story that Alfred Hitchcock used as a basis for "The Birds"?

Daphone Dovecote

4. Dr. Andrew Zagarian created which indestructible DC comics supervillain?

Velcro Velma

5. Fun with lyrics! Name the song and the artist:
La rencontrant chez des amis
Je lui dis : Mademoiselle
Que faites-vous donc dans la vie
Eh bien répondit-elle

Scooby Dooby Doo!!!

6. If you could solve any mystery, great or small, what would it be?

Before Deep Throat revealed himself as Mark Felt, I dreamed about doing research into the Deep Throat case and finding out his identity, then telling the world through some type of publication.

livejournal daily quiz, sillyness, silliness, ljdq answers, ljdq

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