Studying, maybe . . .

May 08, 2014 23:47

I'm trying to get some studying done at least. I think I'm getting stuff okay.

I've got this at the moment. I think it's right. After I post this, I'm going to look at the readings and hopefully find some reviews or stuff about them. Tomorrow, I'll make sure I look at my notes. My final is at 2pm, so I have time to do some studying.

Realism - keep it REAL. Things fall apart. Focus on what can be

Naturalism - heredity and social conditions looked into in order
to describe a person's life. almost dispensed with the notion of
free will. Environment, especially social environment leads
characters which they may not realize. Fated to station in life.
ex. Crane,

Existentialism - "I think therefore I am." Deals with problem of
finding meaning within existence. Find meaning of life for self.
There is no reason to life.

The Beat Generation - after WWII, question materialism, against
taboos of sexuality, gives the "beat" like jazz and such; inner
turmoil and quest for meaning (Ginsburg), rebeled against
traditional form, beat is "beaten down," but the rhythm can apply
to many things, poetry relaxed and there was experimentation
Ex. Ginsberg
There are NOT beatniks - laid back, poetry reading . . . perhaps
consumption of the Beat Generation writers

Modernism - sudden and unexpected yet self-concious breaks of
traditional ways of interacting with the world; growing alienation
of the individual, happened after the shock of WWI and other
shocks, previous generation's way of doing things was a cultural
dead end, popular literature wanted, educated looked with scorn
upon these things, poetry was open to any topics, lost generation
can become synonymous (people back after WWI that were struggling
to find meaning in world among chaos), truth was relative and in
Ex. Pound, Eliot, Hemingway

Dirty Realism - focused on REAL events, but would often focus on
the working poor, small details of life often described, objects
and context give meaning - very sparse much like Hemingway with
very little description

Confessional Poetry - poetry deals with actions or feelings that
were taboo for discussion, some of those things are still not
accepted as things that are discussed today, psychiatic issues,
oedipus complex, thoughts of suicide or death, etc
Ex. Plath, Lowell, Ginsberg
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