That Normal Journal Thing Still Exists

Apr 17, 2014 03:09

Believe it or not, sometimes I still write these normal journal entires that anybody can read.

On Tuesday night, Briana and I went to see "The Girls of SNL" at McNeese. The opening act was Streeter Sidell. Both Briana and I kept trying not say Street slidell because Slidell is a town in Louisiana and we are used to hearing that. There were a few jokes of his that I liked, but I wasn't impressed overall.

The first out was Vanessa Bayer and she was my favorite one. She did her Miley Cyrus impression and that was awesome! I was hoping she would!

The last out was Kate McKinnon and I didn't care for her comedy.

However, Briana and I still went to get their signatures afterwards. The people had taken the tickets in order to get them to sign them so we could just take them. However, I didn't do that. Instead, I had them sign one of the top papers that is the title page/works cited entry for my American Literature research paper!

And I guess that was to segue into that topic, not that I always have a segue. Sometimes I'll just switch topics.

Anyway, my American Literature research paper is on how the Southern Belle (e.g. Scarlett O'Hara) is the basis for the Disney Princess. I'm wanting to focus on true princesses and not characters like Cinderella, Mulan, Pocahontas, or Tiana. None of those characters were born of royalty.

I need to reserve things at the library so I can pick them up quickly. I can get the movies from there and that's good. I can also get Gone with the Wind from there.

My American Literature professor also gave me the fact that Augusta Jane Evans is an author that has characters that are known as Southern Belles. The library doesn't have any of her books, though.

As for my British Literature paper, it has to stem from a reading that we did in class. For me, this was an except of Dryden's Annus Mirabilis. I got the idea from the excerpt.

I want to show how Dryden presents London as a Christ figure. Of course, I can't just draw comparisons. It is important to show why and the importance and implications of London being a Christ figure.

I'm sure it can be done. I just don't have many sources about Annus Mirabilis and Christian imagery in it, even though there is obviously tons.

I'll have to go up to McNeese on Thursday even though I don't have school and spring break starts on Friday. I need to do more research.

I've had lullabies playing to keep my sister happy. I'm getting tired of them.

My computer wants to restart to do updates. I told it to remind me in an hour. I'll make sure things are saved and close my programs. I'll turn off my monitor and it can do the updates while I'm in bed.

Of course, it is Holy Week and we are singing some awesome songs for Good Friday. of course they are sad. I mean, after all, it is the commemoration of Jesus dying.

Sometime this weekend Briana and I will go shopping for whatever we want for Easter dinner. That's not a big deal. If we cook more than we can eat, we'll bring some food to Billy and his father. Billy is our friend that recently lost his mother to cancer. I could write a bit more about that, but I'll leave it at that for the moment.

other than the dogs being crazy, which is normal, I don't think I have anything else to write that I feel I can share publicly.
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