To the Anole . . .

Apr 04, 2014 15:07

Dear Anole that is on the top of my gate when I drive into my driveway,

Yes, I do find the red bulge on your neck impressive. However, this will not capture me as a mate. I understand that it is spring and that it is mating season. You need to understand, though, I am not of the same family as you. Also, I am not even of of the same order or class of you. We would not be compatible in any way. Added to these things, if I were to approach you, you would be scared by my size. Even though I am small when it comes to human standards, you would consider me a giant. This would make you run and hide. However, I do appreciate you showing me the glory of God's design.

Bridget Ilene Delaney

open letters

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