Pub Games

Oct 25, 2011 22:53

Briana and I went to Pub Games tonight. While we can team up with others there, I've wanted to find some more girls to team up with - need one to three more - because six can be on a team and I want to keep a spot open for Julie when she can come.

We didn't win, but we always have fun!

There were some people driving around the country who were from California. They said they are going to have a blog - something like "Where in the world are Mark and Lori?" I need to remember that because it will be an interesting blog if they get it done.

Lori was EXTREMELY well endowed upstairs, but she had a good sense of humor. Briana kept telling jokes about boobs and then she told one about gas, too.

Briana got the sillies as we were leaving, so I drove back to the pub and let Briana talk to some of the people that where still sitting outside the pub. It was fun getting to know more people and talking to them.

At home, Briana has now asked me to write her a story about a haunted piano and that in it, somewhere in the story, it has to mention cheese - she said somebody can mention cheese or it can just be mentioned in the story. I told her that I'll write it at some point.

I just asked if I should post this story on Associated Content (Yahoo! Contributor Network) when it is written and she yelled "YEAH!!!"

writing, pub games, stories, silliness, writing ideas, trivia

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