LJDQ Answer time!

Jul 02, 2011 21:17

ljdq answer time!

1. In which 1986 Breakout-style arcade game does a player control a spaceship named "Vaus" against an enemy named "Doh"?

Wall Paper Cleaner

2. Operation Barbarossa had, as its objective, the "A-A Line" connecting two Russian cities. What was the name of the northern city?

From Point A to Point A with the Dread Pirate Roberts:


3. According to the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle Six, the universe was sneezed out of the nose of which being?

The giant nose on Double Dare

4. Miskatonic University is located in which town?

Gin, Australia, obviously because it's "Mix a Tonic University"

5. Tiger moths belong to which family of class Insecta?


6. What's the roundest thing in your life right now?

My stomach

silliness, ljdq answers, ljdq

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