LJDQ Answers

Jun 26, 2011 01:17

It's ljdq answer time! That means it's time for funny!

1. What Kansas City Royals relief pitcher was the first to record 40 saves in one season?

Which is red and has seeds on the outside?

A. Raspberry
B. Strawberry
C. Boysenberry
D. Blueberry

2. Tomas de Torquemada was the first, and most famous, to hold what rank?

Which army officer ranks the highest out of the following?

A. Corporal
B. Private
C. General
D. Major

3. Richard Schaden is the current CEO of what fast food chain, headquartered in Denver, Colorado?

What is in the middle of your face?

4. What 1994 film dramatized the scandal surrounding the 50's television program "Twenty One"?

I'll take movies from 1994 for +1, Alex.

5. What Norwegian was executed for treason in 1945, leading to his name becoming synonymous with the word ‘traitor’?

Hey, you call US this name . . . I'm one, and so is the person who answered before me and so is the person that answered after me . . .

6. You are granted one question to ask the World’s Wisest Person. What would you ask him/her?

Can I please have all the +1 answers to all furture Live Journal Daily Quizzes?

silliness, ljdq answers, ljdq

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