Briana still exsits and I'm very proud of her!

Aug 29, 2009 00:10

I was chatting with Briana on AIM tonight. Most of it was fairly boring such as waiting for Pizza Hut to deliver my order which took OVER AN HOUR!

(7:36:38 PM) kagomeshuko: There you are
(7:36:48 PM) kagomeshuko: I'm wondering if the pizza is ever going to come
(7:36:57 PM) kagomeshuko: I heard a thump now . . . but still don't know if that's it
(7:37:07 PM) Briana1983: lol
(7:37:15 PM) kagomeshuko: Mama is outside with the doggies
(7:37:23 PM) Briana1983: cool
(7:37:27 PM) kagomeshuko: They are in the grass and wrestling
(7:37:31 PM) Briana1983: hehe
(7:38:04 PM) Briana1983: I have seen the little gas station store across the street
(7:38:06 PM) kagomeshuko: If we had known that the dining places would've been closed when you needed them, we would've made sure you took the box of snacks you bought before we went to New Orleans for the Extravaganza
(7:38:13 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, cool
(7:38:21 PM) kagomeshuko: could you shop therED?
(7:38:27 PM) Briana1983: yes
(7:38:33 PM) kagomeshuko: what's therED? I meant "there."
(7:39:01 PM) Briana1983: when I get my money and purse back...I need to find my po box code again
(7:39:17 PM) kagomeshuko: ah, I didn't know there was a PO box code
(7:39:35 PM) kagomeshuko: do you have a little mailbox on campus or something?
(7:40:02 PM) Briana1983: yes but they put it in the boxes
(7:40:13 PM) kagomeshuko: put what in what boxes?
(7:40:15 PM) Briana1983: so it is just addressed to the university at first
(7:40:33 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, we just send it to you at 1000 w. court st.
(7:40:34 PM) Briana1983: the mail is put in the boxes by a TLU employee
(7:40:38 PM) kagomeshuko: and then tlu sorts it?
(7:40:41 PM) Briana1983: yes
(7:40:46 PM) kagomeshuko: ah, okayk gotcha
(7:41:12 PM) kagomeshuko: ummm . . . I'm thinking pizza hut is kinda dumb . . . I finished before 7pm, didn't I?
(7:41:20 PM) Briana1983: to circumvent the "no PO Boxes" thing
(7:41:26 PM) Briana1983: yes
(7:41:33 PM) kagomeshuko: ah, I see . . . good idea . . .
(7:41:38 PM) kagomeshuko: and if the package is too big for a box?
(7:41:48 PM) Briana1983: kept at desk
(7:42:00 PM) kagomeshuko: ah, so you'll just have to check for things like your purse
(7:42:04 PM) Briana1983: yes
(7:42:13 PM) kagomeshuko: are the boxes at your dorm hall?
(7:42:17 PM) Briana1983: not exactly a po box
(7:42:20 PM) Briana1983: no
(7:42:23 PM) kagomeshuko: where are they?
(7:42:27 PM) Briana1983: so muxh as a student box
(7:42:33 PM) Briana1983: not sure atm
(7:42:41 PM) kagomeshuko: oh . . . gotta ask, huh?
(7:42:51 PM) kagomeshuko: your purse should be there by tomorrow, I think
(7:42:58 PM) Briana1983: yeah
(7:42:59 PM) kagomeshuko: it might already be there
(7:43:19 PM) Briana1983: I need to find my code though and they are probably closed atm
(7:43:46 PM) kagomeshuko: I gotta find pizza hut's number . . . 'cause I put my card number and paid . . . ugh . . .
(7:44:00 PM) Briana1983: ok...
(7:48:28 PM) kagomeshuko: I called and they said that they JUST dispatched the order
(7:48:35 PM) kagomeshuko: ugh . . . . it BETTER get here soon!
(7:48:35 PM) Briana1983: yikes
(7:48:51 PM) Briana1983: complain to corporate
(7:48:57 PM) kagomeshuko: Now Yahoo! doesn't want to let me log into the site . . . but it was working earlier
(7:49:09 PM) kagomeshuko: Yeah, I'll find how to somewhere
(7:49:38 PM) Briana1983: will go to bed with headache tonight
(7:49:41 PM) Briana1983: oh well
(7:49:48 PM) Briana1983: might sleep better for it
(7:49:59 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah, tomorrow is Saturday . . . won't be TOO terrible
(7:50:08 PM) Briana1983: right
(7:50:26 PM) Briana1983: people get drunk and sleep off hangovers so at least not that bad
(7:50:54 PM) kagomeshuko: Yeah, I think if you sleep you'll feel better. It's definitely NOT a hangover
(7:51:05 PM) Briana1983: duh
(7:51:13 PM) Briana1983: lol drunk on diet coke
(7:51:19 PM) Briana1983: don't think so
(7:51:20 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah!
(7:51:28 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, no?
(7:51:30 PM) kagomeshuko: why not?
(7:51:42 PM) Briana1983: no alcohol
(7:51:55 PM) kagomeshuko: so?
(7:52:01 PM) Briana1983: hmm
(7:52:05 PM) kagomeshuko: you don't think you can get drunk on diet coke?
(7:52:12 PM) Briana1983: no I don't
(7:52:51 PM) kagomeshuko: I put "drunk on diet coke" to search and the first result I got is "Diet Alcohol: Get Drunk Quickly."
(7:53:09 PM) Briana1983: lol
(7:53:22 PM) kagomeshuko: The second thing I got though, "University of Oregon OTR: Diet Soda Gets You Drunk Quicker"
(7:54:13 PM) kagomeshuko: Oh, but that research on is when it is mixed with Vodka
(7:54:22 PM) Briana1983: lol
(7:54:25 PM) kagomeshuko: That title of the blog entry isn't fair!
(7:54:50 PM) Briana1983: true
(7:55:50 PM) kagomeshuko: But here's a silly poem:
(7:56:24 PM) Briana1983: what the...?
(7:56:43 PM) kagomeshuko: I don't know . . . it was in the search results
(7:57:53 PM) Briana1983: ok I just played "shroudy" in a scrabble game that is auto-verifying words
(8:01:45 PM) kagomeshuko: hmmm . . . okay
(8:01:50 PM) kagomeshuko: pizza finally came!
(8:01:53 PM) Briana1983: yay
(8:01:57 PM) kagomeshuko: That was WAAAAY too long of a wait . . .
(8:02:01 PM) Briana1983: yeah
(8:03:04 PM) Briana1983: they had food at that concert but for my ears' sake, I could not stay out there
(8:06:34 PM) kagomeshuko: pizza rolls from pizza hut are good . . . let me know if you want us to order some for you
(8:06:49 PM) Briana1983: yes
(8:06:55 PM) Briana1983: I think so
(8:07:15 PM) kagomeshuko: ok, I think I'll CALL the Seguin Pizza Hut . . .
(8:07:18 PM) Briana1983: ok
(8:07:21 PM) Briana1983: good idea
(8:11:24 PM) kagomeshuko: ack, you still hungry, though? it tells me the number or code I've dialed is incorrect
(8:11:28 PM) kagomeshuko: I know there's a gatti's
(8:14:52 PM) kagomeshuko: bri?
(8:15:01 PM) Briana1983: yes?
(8:15:19 PM) kagomeshuko: (8:11:24 PM) kagomeshuko: ack, you still hungry, though? it tells me the number or code I've dialed is incorrect
(8:11:28 PM) kagomeshuko: I know there's a gatti's
(8:14:52 PM) kagomeshuko: bri?
(8:15:01 PM) Briana1983: yes?
(8:16:52 PM) kagomeshuko: tell me?
(8:17:03 PM) Briana1983: what?
(8:17:22 PM) kagomeshuko: do you still want something? pizza hug's number doesn't work
(8:18:36 PM) kagomeshuko: bri?
(8:18:42 PM) kagomeshuko: did you get the question?
(8:18:47 PM) Briana1983: no!
(8:18:58 PM) kagomeshuko: do you still want something? pizza hug's number doesn't work
(8:19:00 PM) kagomeshuko: there's a gatti's
(8:19:23 PM) Briana1983: nah
(8:19:32 PM) kagomeshuko: okay . . you're good?
(8:19:36 PM) Briana1983: yeah
(8:19:48 PM) Briana1983: just gonna go to bed early I think
(8:20:00 PM) kagomeshuko: okay . . . going to bed now?
(8:20:08 PM) Briana1983: not yet
(8:20:15 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, okay, just earlier
(8:20:18 PM) Briana1983: playing scrabble game lol
(8:20:20 PM) Briana1983: yeah
(8:20:45 PM) kagomeshuko: internet keeps going in and out here, of course
(8:21:12 PM) Briana1983: oh yes of course
(8:22:10 PM) kagomeshuko: pizza hut didn't give us any napkins . . .
(8:22:25 PM) Briana1983: oh oh

However, this part is fun. I had the Wizards of Waverly Place movie on TV and they were in this cave looking for "The Stone of Dreams," so I told Briana this because of the movie and here's what ensued.

(8:23:58 PM) kagomeshuko: there are a bunch of stones in a cave. One is on a stalagmite and glowing. Which one is the magic one?
(8:24:28 PM) Briana1983: the stalagmite!
(8:25:18 PM) Briana1983: duh everyone knows stalagmites are magic... :P
(8:25:27 PM) kagomeshuko: oh!

(8:25:44 PM) Briana1983: couldn't resist that one
(8:25:56 PM) kagomeshuko: nah
(8:26:54 PM) Briana1983: If the noun is "examination" why don't you "examinate" something?
(8:27:18 PM) kagomeshuko: I don't know
(8:27:24 PM) kagomeshuko: you take an exam
(8:27:35 PM) kagomeshuko: which is short for examination
(8:27:52 PM) Briana1983: weird
(8:29:36 PM) Briana1983:
(8:31:42 PM) kagomeshuko: I'll read it when the movie is over
(8:34:18 PM) Briana1983: ooh
(8:34:30 PM) Briana1983: I just clicked a domino's e-mail
(8:40:58 PM) Briana1983: or possible pasta?
(8:41:31 PM) Briana1983: they are open until 1
(8:47:18 PM) kagomeshuko: I don't believe tha te-mail
(8:47:27 PM) Briana1983: huh?
(8:47:29 PM) kagomeshuko: does domino's deliver? you hungry?
(8:47:35 PM) Briana1983: yes yes yes
(8:47:36 PM) kagomeshuko: not e-mail . . obama blog
(8:47:38 PM) kagomeshuko: sorry
(8:47:48 PM) kagomeshuko: okay, lemme check if they deliver to your dorm
(8:48:05 PM) kagomeshuko: you know, you'll have to meet them outside
(8:49:23 PM) kagomeshuko: you're going to have to wait out in the hall for them
(8:49:27 PM) kagomeshuko: are you okay with that?
(8:49:33 PM) Briana1983: yes
(8:49:43 PM) Briana1983: need food
(8:49:43 PM) kagomeshuko: okay . . . lemme find things, then
(8:49:47 PM) Briana1983: ok
(8:50:03 PM) kagomeshuko: they'll need you to sign, so just sign my name
(8:50:10 PM) Briana1983: ok
(8:54:44 PM) kagomeshuko: in my name
(8:54:52 PM) Briana1983: ok
(8:54:56 PM) Briana1983: got it
(8:56:28 PM) Briana1983: I'm going to go to the potty and then out to the lobby. You know what I like. Surprise me.
(8:56:51 PM) kagomeshuko: ok
(8:57:29 PM) kagomeshuko: in my name "Bridget Ilene Delaney"
(9:57:19 PM) Briana1983: oh ilene ... meh they took it anyway
(9:57:57 PM) Briana1983: you there?
(9:58:41 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah, i'm here
(9:58:48 PM) kagomeshuko: it's okay if you didn't do my middle name
(9:58:53 PM) Briana1983: I was out in the lobby area for a bit
(9:59:06 PM) kagomeshuko: okay
(9:59:30 PM) kagomeshuko: bum, bum, bum, muffins! (it's from Psych)
(9:59:36 PM) Briana1983: lol
(10:00:10 PM) Briana1983: bummuffins sounds like a nickname you might give your lover.
(10:00:21 PM) kagomeshuko: you'll be glad you are NOT here . . .
(10:00:28 PM) kagomeshuko: a guy in SWLA died from Swine Flu
(10:01:04 PM) Briana1983: ok
(10:01:04 PM) Briana1983: oh my
(10:01:04 PM) Briana1983: :(
(10:01:04 PM) Briana1983: how sad
(10:01:04 PM) Briana1983: anything known about him?
(10:01:20 PM) kagomeshuko: if it is, they can't release any information
(10:03:21 PM) kagomeshuko: Niblet is playing with Englebert
(10:03:32 PM) Briana1983: ok
(10:03:43 PM) kagomeshuko: he also REALLY likes pizza
(10:03:54 PM) Briana1983: lol ok
(10:04:09 PM) kagomeshuko: I had to tell that Val Sovinski gal that you like all size doggies :)
(10:06:43 PM) kagomeshuko: Did you see the pictures of Saul on Petfinder?
(10:07:31 PM) Briana1983: not yet
(10:07:51 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, you need to go to and look up the Seguin dogs
(10:07:56 PM) kagomeshuko: he's the first one on there
(10:09:12 PM) Briana1983: awwww
(10:09:24 PM) kagomeshuko: that's what I thought you'd think!
(10:09:31 PM) kagomeshuko: and then those two lhasa apsos . .
(10:09:49 PM) kagomeshuko: the organization with them is the one that the val works with
(10:09:51 PM) Briana1983: hehehe
(10:10:07 PM) kagomeshuko: and then I don't know if she knows it, but etosha rescue is having to close :( they let me know that
(10:10:24 PM) Briana1983: :(
(10:10:52 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah, sad . . . don't you just want to cuddle Saul?
(10:11:01 PM) Briana1983: yes
(10:11:13 PM) kagomeshuko: I know I do! I'm like, I just want to hug him and love on him
(10:13:28 PM) kagomeshuko: I need to tell you .. . I'm very proud of you for going to college! I can just imagine the dreams of yours that you could fulfill!
(10:13:49 PM) Briana1983: Texas Greyhound Adoption Program
Seguin, TX
(10:13:54 PM) Briana1983: lol
(10:14:02 PM) Briana1983: thanks :)
(10:14:06 PM) kagomeshuko: yep, I know they exist, too
(10:14:39 PM) kagomeshuko: they're all so cute!
(10:14:52 PM) Briana1983: yeah
(10:15:22 PM) kagomeshuko: so, by next week, hopefully you'll have at least met val . . . maybe gotten to meet at least one doggie!
(10:16:11 PM) Briana1983: I hope
(10:16:26 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah . . . I know this val gal sounds very promising
(10:16:45 PM) Briana1983: :D
(10:16:59 PM) kagomeshuko: the doggies are wresting and full of it
(10:17:05 PM) kagomeshuko: that's probably because they slept most of the day
(10:17:11 PM) Briana1983: lol
(10:17:29 PM) kagomeshuko: Woofles slept on my chest a lot, so there was no way that I could refuse that
(10:19:21 PM) Briana1983: aww
(10:19:43 PM) kagomeshuko: *sigh* clue: Beehive Protector H _ I _ _ _ _
(10:19:45 PM) kagomeshuko: I got it
(10:19:53 PM) kagomeshuko: but just wanted to share
(10:20:04 PM) Briana1983: hairnet?
(10:20:09 PM) kagomeshuko: yep
(10:20:21 PM) Briana1983: heh
(10:20:39 PM) kagomeshuko: I said that your FE teacher doesn't know what she's getting herself into admitting that she likes puns
(10:22:27 PM) kagomeshuko: Oooh . . . *sigh* "Felt on the head?" 6 letters, first is an F
(10:23:35 PM) Briana1983: fedora!
(10:23:37 PM) kagomeshuko: yep
(10:24:07 PM) kagomeshuko: Did you know that 252 wine gallons is a tun/
(10:24:39 PM) Briana1983: that's the exact measure
(10:24:48 PM) Briana1983: I knew a tun was a measure
(10:24:49 PM) kagomeshuko: apparently it is
(10:24:56 PM) kagomeshuko: it was in the crossword that I'm doing
(10:24:57 PM) Briana1983: but that's all
(10:24:59 PM) Briana1983: ok
(10:25:23 PM) kagomeshuko: "hard is hot tubbing with sumos" Cute, but I've seen it like five times this evening!
(10:26:09 PM) Briana1983: lol
(10:26:23 PM) kagomeshuko: Did you know that a prudish person is a blue nose?
(10:26:31 PM) Briana1983: huh
(10:26:32 PM) kagomeshuko: Doesn't that sound like somebody that's really cold?
(10:26:36 PM) Briana1983: yes
(10:26:54 PM) Briana1983: well a prude is said to have a cold attitude
(10:27:03 PM) kagomeshuko: true
(10:27:09 PM) kagomeshuko: ugh . . it said "fortune readers"
(10:27:28 PM) kagomeshuko: but it should've been " 'Fortune' readers" if it were not to be so difficult
(10:27:32 PM) kagomeshuko: I wish they'd make up their minds
(10:27:58 PM) Briana1983: ok sure
(10:30:24 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, goodie, KPLC is going to have some 30 minute McNeese football special
(10:30:33 PM) Briana1983: blah
(10:31:05 PM) kagomeshuko: yep
(10:31:09 PM) kagomeshuko: exactly how I feel, too
(10:31:27 PM) kagomeshuko: Niblet is still playing with Englebert
(10:31:33 PM) kagomeshuko: he loves his Englebert
(10:31:58 PM) Briana1983: ok now I know for sure I am NOT getting the swine flu vaccine
(10:32:14 PM) kagomeshuko: okay . . . what about it? I just want to know
(10:32:32 PM) Briana1983: some of the ingredients would not be good for me
(10:32:41 PM) kagomeshuko: oh, like what?
(10:32:46 PM) Briana1983:
(10:32:49 PM) Briana1983: read that
(10:35:27 PM) kagomeshuko: sever arthritis . . . ow
(10:35:37 PM) Briana1983: icky
(10:35:48 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah, just wash hands, stay clean, huh?
(10:36:18 PM) Briana1983: yep
(10:36:29 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah, probably always the best, anyway
(10:42:16 PM) Briana1983: love this comment:
(10:42:22 PM) Briana1983: on another site
(10:42:24 PM) Briana1983: Today, I am exhausted. All this thinking about risks and benefits is tiring an old person like myself out. Should I accept the swine flu vaccine and risk Guillain Barre syndrome or MS and some other unknowns? Or shall I just wait for the mesothelioma cancer that I may get because I was a little girl in Seattle where they used a polio vaccine which carried a virus for that cancer. And if I take the swine flu vaccine am I going to get Alzheimers Disease from the mercury therein? I havent received any vaccine for over 20 years and I live in India where the media tells me that people are always dying in droves ! Obviously its a miracle that I am still healthy. Could someone lend me a really good computer and a statistician so that I can figure out what to do?
(10:43:31 PM) kagomeshuko: LOL . . .
(10:44:04 PM) Briana1983: lend me a really good good do ya need? that can be relative ;)
(10:44:13 PM) kagomeshuko: yep . . .
(10:44:23 PM) kagomeshuko: I could send you an old one, right?
(10:44:26 PM) kagomeshuko: it's good . . .
(10:44:32 PM) kagomeshuko: not that it's what you'd want by now
(10:44:40 PM) Briana1983: right hehe
(10:49:49 PM) Briana1983: you know when a random phrase pops into your head for no reason?
(10:49:57 PM) kagomeshuko: yeah
(10:50:12 PM) Briana1983: I had one come into my mind
(10:50:18 PM) kagomeshuko: oh
(10:51:06 PM) Briana1983: "Get that flugelhorn away from me!"
(10:51:37 PM) kagomeshuko: don't have a flugelhorn
(10:51:46 PM) Briana1983: okay
(10:52:03 PM) Briana1983: then it is not directed towards you
(10:52:07 PM) Briana1983: toward
(10:52:15 PM) kagomeshuko: eep, I'm reading that swine flu vaccine more in detail . . . sound scary
(10:52:30 PM) Briana1983: doesn't it?!
(10:53:15 PM) Briana1983: I think if people stopped buying into the scare-mongering and would read about all sides, they'd be better off for it
(10:55:28 PM) kagomeshuko: probably so
(10:57:48 PM) Briana1983: wait...why does the vaccine contain detergent? My body is NOT a dishwasher!
(10:58:13 PM) kagomeshuko: it does? I didn't go up and read the regular flu vaccine part
(10:58:44 PM) kagomeshuko: ah . . I forget what that means when it comes to medicines . . .
(11:03:03 PM) kagomeshuko: Niblet had to hear HIS theme song
(11:03:13 PM) Briana1983: of course
(11:10:59 PM) Briana1983: I sent you an e-mail

Under that second cut there's some crossword clues, some talk about the swine flu vaccine ingredients, and discussion about the dogs, mainly Niblet.

sister conversation, silliness, sister silliness, dog, sisters, dogs

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