A fruity story?

May 02, 2009 22:33

Tonight, Briana and I went to a poetry reading by Kevin Young. She decided that she wanted to go when she heard him say "Mill you warry me?" in a video of him reading. she loved that he had a lot of ode to food poems at the reading.

Before the reading, we were chatting and being silly (what else would I do with Briana?) She said that people needed to write stories about scallions because people write stories about stallions. We finally thought of the correct word and she said that people needed to write stories about anthropomorphic scallions.

I told her that she could tell Neil Connelly what she said as he is a fun guy. She told him that and he said that they solve crimes and wear hats. She said that if anybody writes such a story, she'll read it.

Then, we went back and of course we were chatting and joking and I was asking her stuff about the vegetables and fruits and berries that she was mentioning. I also ended up asking her about the straw that broke the camel's back and she said that the type of straw that broke the camel's back was a curly straw.

Here's a run down of the basics of the story we've invented, but we still don't know any details or the crime or lack of crime or whatever it is or was or should be.

anthropomorphic scallions
that wear hats and solve crimes
they are detectives
the peaches are police because police are the fuzz and peaches have fuzz
the berries did the crime
this was perpetuated by the huckleberries
the reason that they are huckleberries is because they are huksters and hecklers
Also in on the crimes are bilberrries and strawberries

Woofles is currently next to me, sleeping on his new fleece blanket. When Briana heard that he loves the fleece blankets, she decided that each dog needed their own blanket. Woofles has one that has Clifford and other characters from Clifford on it and Niblet has one with pictures of bugs on it. How very cute!

Lately, I've been so sore. I don't know why, either. It sucks as it wasn't that way a few days ago and just started.

Oh, also Briana's newest joke . . .

Why are cats so good at poetry?
Because they always have their mews.

sister, silliness

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