Square Tomatoes and other things!

Mar 16, 2009 22:25

I know that psychic_spychic likes gardening. I also know that she likes fun things.

Thus, I think she should grow some of her vegetables in shapes!

I mean, after all, it HAS been done!

She could have cubecumbers!

Or she could even have embossed cucumbers!

Perhaps she could have Mickey Mouse shaped vegetables?

Then she'd do things like they do them in the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) Center at Disney.

Square watermelons and tomatoes are old news, but what about pyramid shaped watermelons?

Or even vegetables with faces?

You think she can't do it? Really?

I bet she can!

After all, they sell VegiForms!

Now, if I could only find a United States site that sold Grow Big Strange & Nasty Plants. (I'm only finding UK sites, alas.)

I won't ruin the fun by talking about what is sold . . . after all . . .what fun is that?

Oh, and if you're wondering, this whole thing started from seeing a commercial about growing your own tomatoes and I commented, "but they're not square," referring to an episode of Monk.

Then Briana started asking, and I said, "I bet you can grow them!" Sure enough, I was right.

That led us to this blog (yeah, snicker all you want at that bottom picture) and the rest, well . . .

sister, silliness, fun, shapes, plants, lynn

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