Trikes and Big Lots . . .

Dec 06, 2008 22:34

Today started off normal. I watched some of the children's shows because they are cute and I like watching them.

However, Briana had to go get her trike. I said that I'd get going early to ride my trike down to Capitol Cyclery and meet Briana and my mom there. That's a fairly long way to ride. For those who are familiar with Lake Charles, that's from Louie St. down to Ryan St. I rode down Ryan St. to Prien Lake Rd. and down to Capitol Cyclery. As I got there, Briana was ready to go.

I helped lead her back home. However, we stopped at Checker's to eat. There were two feral cats there and the babies were hungry. Briana and I fed them a few bites of our food. Brianan called our mom to come and we tried calling a lot of different places, but nobody was open and nobody seemed to be taking animals, either. That is what is really sad. It's getting cold and these cats are living at Checker's.

Anyway, we continued home and got there fine. We went on Hodges and Alamo and then to Ryan, though.

So, yeah, I rode a lot today. It's not bad, but it is quite tiring!

I was surprised that I was not gone for as long as I thought I was!

I'll want to ride more, of course, but I don't think I want to ride that far that soon again! However, getting to Java Depot, Walgreens, Market Basket, and Books-A-Million from where I live is going to be quite easy when just riding my trike!

Mine is a 20" blue trike. Briana's is a 24" raspberry trike. Our mom's is a 24" turquoise trike. We each got a little canopy to give a little bit of shade or a little bit of protection if it starts to rain.

The shed is really nice, too, and it looks kinda like a little red barn. It's very nice coming home and seeing that and not a boring gray metal shed.

Later in the afternoon, Briana and I went to Big Lots. I was there to get some trash cans and Briana wanted to visit a friend and shop. Briana bought one of those pre-lit five foot Christmas trees. I found some cute shoes - clear sparkly jellies!

Oh, and the running a workshop at the Extravaganza things - not a dream, which it felt like the other night . . I mean, it seemed like I dreamed the whole thing was going to happen. Got an e-mail today:

Greetings Bridget,

Thanks again for agreeing to present a workshop at the 2009 Extravaganza in New Orleans . We are excited for the event and are finishing up our preparations! Below are the title, description and bio that will appear in the program book. Please note that because we need all of the bio’s to have the same “voice” we are not looking for major rewrites, but if you have another sentence to add regarding your experience or connection to Youth Ministry that would be helpful.

Thanks for understanding!

You will receive information about the exact time and location of your workshop in a separate email.


Dawn and Kristen

Using Minamilist Theater to Liven Youth Ministry

Bible stories become more "real" to youth when they become part of them, but staging a play is often difficult. Minimalist theater combines full theatrical production, reader's theater, and miming without all of the complications of using props, costumes and scenery. Learn how easy it is to use minimalist theater in youth ministry in order to get youth more excited about Bible stories and service projects.

Bridget Delaney has a BS in Journalism from McNeese State University and has a published book of poetry called "Eclecticisms."
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