Yay! Food was eaten!

Oct 26, 2008 18:08

We still have leftover food, but that's because there was SO MUCH FOOD!

There was a lot of food at the pot luck and we also made a lot of food, so I'm not surprised that we had food left.

However, a good chunk of the Italian Turkey Burger Casserole was gone that was definitely not just what my sister and I ate. I don't know why, but my Mama is not a huge fan of turkey, but she likes chicken. My Daddy was the opposite way. He didn't like chicken (he'd only really eat Popeye's fried chicken, and it still wasn't his favorite) and he loved turkey.

I thought the way I seasoned the turkey made it taste awesome even if the fries didn't turn out as great as I hoped (they were still fine, though).

salt, garlic, Italian seasoning, cilantro . . .that made the turkey so delicious! I had never tasted turkey that good before last night! It really does depend on the seasoning (which Briana doesn't tend to use any, so it tastes gross).

The spider cookies were a hit, too. I watched as people gathered around them at the dessert table and discussed what they were made of and saw some people laugh at the cuteness of them.

People definitely ate the spider cookies because a large section of the try was empty and that whole tray had been full with two layers of spider cookies!

I'm so happy the food wasn't judged just because we brought it! That's what they would do at St. Paul because of that idiotic mother who spread rumors! I have this fear of her still spreading those rumors around Lake Charles. I can tell by her personality that she thinks she knows everything because one time I said that her daughter was being taught singing by the Kodaly (it's said Ko - Dye) system. I know it is said this because I was taught using that system in fourth grade and then in seventh grade through ninth grade. The teachers that attended workshops told us how to pronounce the word.

She goes, "oh, the Ko-Dal-E System." Ugh.

She always thought she was so great with the finding a job and working thing, too. She has no idea . . . no idea at all . . .

rumors, recipes, food, pot luck, st paul, st micheal

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