Oct 23, 2008 20:18
Today, I learned that Jack Nichelson was really raised by his grandmother, and the person he thought was his sister was really his mother. I know of a family that did this with a daughter in Lake Charles. I promised somebody I'd tell that story. Sounds like a Nano meeting story . . . since we never seem to write, but maybe we should . . . heh.
I also learned that R2-D2 and C3P0 make an appearance in Raider of the Lost Ark - in the hieroglyphics on the wall as they fall into the pit of lost souls, they are there . . .
Sometimes life seems normal. Other times, life seems so odd, still getting used to it without my Daddy. I can't even really think about Kirkman and him not being there. I think about how I need to go up there and be able to deal with the fact that I won't find my Daddy there, and even that makes me cry.
At least I'm not so bad that I can't go out to eat without it feeling odd, like we should be waiting for him. It was that way for a long time. At least now, it is not.