Quote from gamesindustry.biz:
http://gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=17394 XBOX UK boss Chris Lewis on the PS3-
"I'm flattered that they've followed our clear direction," Chris Lewis told Eurogamer TV, in the second part of an exclusive interview broadcast today. "Plagiarism is a good thing - that in itself isn't such a problem, it's what the market wants. But we've known that's what the market wanted all along."
What I don't get is how everyone can see the blatant plagiarism in the Sony PS3 (so far), but they choose not to care I guess? I still get people almost on a constant basis in my store asking when we're taking orders on the PS3. I think what they don't realize is that for the price of the PS3, they could have an XBOX 360 AND a Nintendo Wii which have the same technology (minus the OMFGblu-ray!!1) for the better prices. For the record, that damn blu-ray crap is something half of today's gaming community doesn't even understand the signifigance of. It's just something for them to talk about to make themselves better thinking about spending $600 on as overpriced scanner.. I mean video game console.
And I don't really understand why Metal Gear 4 is the main selling point of the Sony console when they haven't shown but a trailer... which they did at last year's E3 as well. That's why everyone was at Nintendo's booth at E3. They had the hype AND the hardware to back it up. Because if Sony's major selling point was the new Sonic game (which apparently "plays better on the XB360!! HAHA!) it wouldn't even be in the running right now.
As for that retard at Sony... Oh this guy...
Another quote from gamesindustry.biz:
"Sony is not bothered about people claiming PS3 copied Wii with its motion sensing controller, according to the firm's worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison...Phil Harrison reacted to the widespread cynicism directed at Sony's motion sensing controller by saying "In a certain way, I understand why people would say [that], but it's stupid, if you'll forgive me saying so."...
Harrison maintains that the controller was not a last minute idea. "We have already worked on it a long time, and Nintendo almost certainly has done likewise with something similar," he said. "It is perfectly naturally for two companies to work on [nearly] identical devices. It's like that with technology."
So then I wonder what your excuse is for copying the Xbox live EVERYTHING. Douchebags.