I'm back now, and holy shit did I forget to mention something!
The day before yesterday, I sold Reuben Langdon a GameInformer subscription! :P If you don't know who that is (I didn't either until I looked him up on the web) he has his own company. (That's how I got to know he was so important) He told me that he did the mocap for Dante in Devil May Cry 3. If you wanna check out his web page on the site:
http://www.geocities.com/johan_a77/LangdonR.html It was so cool. I thought it was at least. He came in the store with this Asian guy (I suppose he was visiting from Japan) and he kept explaining things to him in Japanese. He bought a Cabala's game for his Japanese friend because he told me that they don't have these kind of games over there. Then I sold him the sub. and I tried to keep the slip with his name on it so I could remember it and look him up later. But I lost it, and after some extensive searching I found some really cool info on him.
He lives in LA so I hope I run into him again.
Oh, AND I finally saw Donnie Darko today for Josh's class. Man, is that a crayzee movie or what?