Hey heyz!

Oct 13, 2009 20:44

It's been quite a while since I got on here!
I'm at one of my fwend's houses right now typing this. He's getting irrated at me, but he can get over it! XP
I'm living in Sacremento with my mama now. So now, I'm Mina Smith... o.O;; I'm still not used to that yet. ^^;
Been outta school for a little over a year now and I miss all my friends SOOOOOOO much! (blows kisses in random directions! =D)
I am with an awesome, lovable, dorky, nerdy, crazy, handsome angel of a guy. XD (that pretty much sums him up right there o.O;;;) We've been "together" for about 5 months now. =D
I've been working as a bus girl at Applebees for about 2 months now. It's alright work, but it doesn't pay too well... =.= Oh well! It's a job! =]
I'm the happiest I've been in... pretty much ever.
But I'll try to get on every once in a while to tell you all that I'm still alive! <3
Lots of Love,

love, awesomeness, life update, living, work

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