Dec 05, 2007 20:20
the other day i was talking to corey again about possibly being bi and all and i really think i may be and corey agrees with me. um...i dont know though. i want to be positive before people start finding out and stuff. and accidently in art today i said i dont know when ashley asked if i was, im stupid? and people probably heard and im just like eh, im stupid. i am so fucking confused. i was talking to laura about it too and she seems really supportive and stuff so it feels good since people arent distancing themselves from me when i tell them so i guess thats good. hopefully it stays that way..this is like all i can think about lately too. and with all me dads shit, and still thinking about andrew and i dont know. my minds never clear. and my grades are going down. i have no A+'s from what i know and im so pissed. there goes my 4.5. im so stressed and exhausted.