May 27, 2008 00:53

I have decided to go forth and put down the rules/ laws/ guidelines whatever for Bowenism....

these have been carefully put together by myself and one mr ruzy. all laws are subject to change and admendments may be made provided i deem them worthy enough to be followed in my religion

here you have it

The Laws of Bowenism

One must shower at least once every day to cleanse oneself of worries, burdens, and stresses that one may be carrying with them
In order to reach the afterlife, heaven, nirvana, ect. one must shower with a hot lover

Every Thursday one must practice interstate day where one must drive for at least 20 minutes on a major interstate day singing aloud to various songs of one’s choosing
In order to reach the afterlife , yadda yadda yadda, one must successfully karaoke drive on at least 6 long distance (upwards of 3 hours) road trips in one’s life time

One must engage in a sexual activity, whether it be in solitude or company, at least twice a week, yes this includes masterbation.
Extra points are awarded to all those who manage to have sex on a) interstate day or one of the road trips and b) at least 100 times in the shower

One must eat one pint of ben and jerry’s ice cream every month of the year
One must have eaten at least 15 different flavors to reach the after life.

One must not rickroll one's sexual partner during the act.
If one does so, you must treat them to a Vermonster as penance.

One must engage in Wii sports as a madatory weekly work out, followed by a healthy set of legend road, wi ex doc va, dignity random nightmare, gunrock, beating flash in a itg match, and repeating the karate joe 2006 uspf freestyle.
Failure to comply results in you being jboys personal pump pad for a week

One must resist the temptation to use the pick up line "How about I enter YOUR dragon?"

One must shave all unsightly ass hair unless you go by sgx
There can only be one operation black forest
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