Sep 04, 2006 08:31
Well, I can't say I have any dissapointment for this summer. It was packed with all sorts of goodness.
Thinking back along it, I'm pretty sure the only person I didn't get to see was Jaz, which is unfortunate. But I did see virtually everyone else (as far as I know).
So what happened this summer? Well... I worked nights, and that was ok, but I got laid off. Boo. So I started working for my Dad, which was good, even if pay was... sparse.
I started playing Warmachine and Dreamblade, two excellent minis games. I started Aberrant Legends, my most recent RP campaign, which is progressing slowly, but is going forwards thanks mostly to online communications.
I partied a little more this summer, and I created less than I'd have liked. A few drawings and a tatoo is all I can hold to my name for the summer alone. Though I did make progress on renovating my RP system, as well as creating the layouts for two board games, which I plan to expand upon during the year.
I met some cool people, and hung out with cool people I already knew. And spent an inordinate ammount of time around annoying children, but I'll survive.
I picked up some new skills and did generally keep my act together. I'm practically broke, but what else is new?
I've spent the last... 18 hours or so awake. I said several goodbyes yesterday, and then came home to finish (or was that start?) packing. As of this moment, all I have left to do is pack up my remaining laundry (which is drying at the moment) and put away theBeast. This year I'm moving with about half the ammount of stuff I'd normally take. I don't need much of my art supplies, and I've learned to trim the fat from a lot of the other things I'd otherwise take as well.
So, minutes ago I changed over my phone. 620-9029, you served me well, but you are no more.
If you wish to reach me in Toronto, my new number is 647-230-0834. That'll take a little while to remember.
So... this is Kagirinai, signing off for now.
See you in the T-dot.