Excuse me a moment; Just getting comfortable.
It's not that roomy in here with all my stuff.
Recent events? Not that many.
Spent last week helping my dad out in his Wheel Refinishing shop, Wheel Art. Not a lot to tell about the work, really. I spent a while grinding down corrosion on Chrome plated wheels and relaxing a set of aluminum wheels back in to their origonal shape (which apparently I am not particularly good at. :P)
Because it's a two minute drive from my Dad's shop to Scott's store, spent a decent ammount of time there this past week too. Thursday in particular was Scott's first Warmachine day. Fun evening, and it offered me a decent ammount of new insight in to unexplored thinking patterns, but I won't get in to that. The game itself plays as expected and is a lot of fun.
I also spent a fair ammount of time working on a few game related things. I've been brainstorming for one boardgame idea I have in progress, though no real work has been done on it yet. A card game I've been working on all summer had a notable breakthrough and is now very close to being written up. (I'll tell you all about it when it's ready, ok?) And in the arena of Warmachine, though I havn't been painting, I have been playing with the idea of building terrain. I've settled now on a good design to work with, which I hope to start building... tonight, if possible.
When it comes to Warmachine terrain, I'm inclined to try and take as much advantage of it's awesome destructable terrain rules as I can, which consequently has been imparting modularity in to all my designs. If anyone has any ideas they want to see done, I'm not against seeing more inspiration. :)
Friday I hung out with a lot of people; starting with Opal, her boytoy Ajae, and Waterloo classmate Mark. We had dinner at the Cock and Bull in Bellscorners, which was quite nice. After which, Ajae had to head out for another obligation which was on the other side of the city. So, rather than let him take public transpo, we dropped Marks car off and I drove us over there. After we dropped him off, it was a short ride to Scott's Tower, where we hung out for a while with Scott and James, talked about the progress of their terrain boards that they were building for the sotre, including their first ever attempt at a field board, made on 4'x4'x2" pink foamboard, which looked pretty good after it's flocking. Very nice indeed. Minor imperfections, but nothing that won't be ignored when they touch it up and finish with it.
Hmm... Besides that, the only other event in mind would have been last saturday night. Not something I really want to bring up in a public forum, but I will sell the short version. Hot date, cute guy, great times. ;) If you're really curious you can ask me about it. But suffice to say, it's kept me in a very good mood.
Looking forwards to Wednesday for a second one. :D
I've also been doing a fair ammount of photoshopping. I've got another idea that I'd like to work on right now, but I lack the photos I want to do it. Time to do a little searching and shutterbuggery. :D
- Kagirinai