Uni scariness!

Sep 08, 2007 22:23

So I'm going to be going to Glasgow Caledonian University. At least I think I am. Until I get in the door and sign up and am sitting in my first class I don't think I'm gonna be able to believe that I'm actually getting in. Monday is a 'special intoductory week' for our 'personal development'. Of course I'm very worried because I don't like not knowing what to expect and it's just getting closer and closer to Uni actually starting and scariness. I should be used to it because I went to college by myself not knowing anybody and at least I will know people here. Doubt we'll be doing the same classes though. Oh and I'm starting at second year because of the two years of college. If I had worked a bit harder then I could have started in third year and only had two years to go....Procrastination is just bad.

I kinda want a paid LJ but now I'm all confused about whether it's worth it or not.

Oh it was my dad's birthday today! Got him a dvd boxset and cake and we're taking him to this place next week where the concorde is at and you get to go inside it and stuff. I'll probably be bored but I think my dad will like it.

Working tomorrow and I really cannot be bothered with that shop. It's sooooooo dull.
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