Mega Ayacon Entry :D!

Aug 22, 2005 11:22

Okay. Uhm. Wow. Ayacon. Lol. ^^;;

Okay, we left the house at about 10.30, and got to the Warwick Arts Centre at about 12. As soon as we got out the car, I saw these girls cosplaying Yokan Dir en grey. I was like, OMFG. So yeh, if they were you, you PWN. Majorly. We registered, blah blah and went wandering. We decided to make a video diary.. well.. I did, so yay. My mother is the cameraperson in this one, and you can hear her old-lady-chuckle alot. o.O;; And sorry you can't hear a word we're saying. x.x The rest of the videos are better. Download --> [here]

Random cool people on the stairs.

And random close-up. Yay.
We went to this building where they had dealer rooms and stuff, and I bought the last Vampire Princess Miyu Dvd. Yaay! That was like, the only anime-related thing we did. We then found out that Blood would be on at 2pm.
While aimlessly wandering around, we heard Blood doing sound checks. Yaay!! So another video --> [here] <-- turn your volume up high enough and you can hear the booming. ^.^ And I randomly tape my mother doing her shoelaces up at the end for some reason.. o.O;;

This girl was the coolest Sailor Moon cosplay I have ever seen. I wish I'd gotten it from the front. x.x Anyway, then we got bored and I decided we should be fangirls and wait outside the hall Blood will be performing in half an hour early. 'Cause we're cool like that.

Random photo. Yay. I look short and fat here. But I'm not really.

Soon enough the crowd got pretty huge. Well, it wasn't THAT big, but.. lots of people anyway. o.O;

I sneaked in a photo of the Shinya and Toshiya Yokan Dir en grey people. Yay.

More crowd.

Even more crowd.

People in the story above us. Who were just.. watching us wait. For some reason.
Anyway, soon this chick came out and said that the band were having technical difficulties, so the concert would begin at 3pm (it was now about ten past 2), and everyone started muttering, and then she was like SHADDAP, and we were like O_O, and she said that the doors would open at half two. So yeh, we decided to sit down and wait 'til then.

And I took a photo of my leg fer some reason. Yay.

The crowd died down. w00.

There were TONS of Final Fantasy cosplayers. These two (I couldn't be bothered to zoom in) were pretty awesome I thought. o.O;

The chick in the red on the right had a hide plushie. Soo cute. ;.;

On the front of this chick's t-shirt it said 'I <3 Boys...' and on the back it said, '... with other boys...'. I thought it was pure genius.

Scary cosplayer peoples.
We made another video --> [here] <-- basically saying about the delay and talking about cosplayers. Made me laugh when Penny said 'nappy!'. Lol. Anyway, soon after that the doors open, and we were like, omfg! So got up and ... went in, basically. We like, walked really fast through the corridors and stuff, and took a random clip of me going, omfg, we're going in now ahh~ --> [here] <-- lol. We got in and it was a big arena thing with like, seats and a big space in front of the stage. We decided to sit down for now. Took random photos of the stage.

And took a video --> [here] Yay. Then the dude came on to announce them, and said there would be a signing twenty minutes after the live, and they came on, yaay!~ And I like, orgasmed. Lol.

This was what we could see when we were on the seats, so I was like, fuck that, and tried to persuaded Penny to go down there. Penny was like, 'dude, we can see better from up here.' And the they did this whole dramatic vampire thing where Kiwamu, like fully 'bit' Fu~ki and he like, fell dramatically to the floor. Lol, it was so cool. x.x And majorly realistic looking. And I was like, 'DUDE' and Penny was like, '..okay, let's go down there.' (Kiwamu = guitarist, fu~ki = vocalist, kaede = bassist, btw).

So we got a view like this. ^.^ Yaay.

Alot of the photos are blurry. x.x I dunno whether it was cause I was shaky, or they were shaky, or the lights fucked my camera up.

We were standing behind really tall people. x_x With sticky-out hair. Which was a bit annoying.

Damn the hair. x.x The hair on the right belongs to this western dude who was in a dress. Scared me a little.

This chick with dreadlocks moved to get with her friends or whatever, and I like leapt into her space. So better view. =D Yay. Anyways, Blood are like, the prettiest things I've ever seen, photos do not do these guys justice, damnit. Especially Kiwamu.. I'm glad he didn't have his hair red like before. ^^ I didn't get to see him alot, but when I did, he was usually fiddling with his amp alot, so I dunno, maybe that counts as technical difficulties? But whatever. But he did this really fantabiously scary thing, and like, threw up loadsa blood. Which was cool. And scary. 'Cause I wasn't expecting it. Lol. And the he finally came and visited our side of the stage (we were on the right side, closest to kaede) which was cool, and was like, 'gragh i'm scary', so cool photo opportunity.


O_O;; w00, teh scariness. It was awesome though.
Fu~ki told us when to do the wierd arm para-para stuff, so that was cool. It seems there weren't alot of people who knew the songs well enough to actually know when the songs finish and stuff, so when they did, everyone was like, 'oh, do we stop now?'. Lol. I know many songs very well, so.. I was okay. :D And this chick just in front of me, she was cool too. o.O;;

I didn't actually notice kaede until he eventually came to the front of the stage, lol. Could always hear him though, since we were right next to the bass amp, and sometimes you could actually hear the clicking on the string things and stuff, which was cool.

Damn blurryness. But I guess it was with the zooooom.
There was this super adorable bit, where they took a little break and stuff, and Fu~ki was gonna say something in the microphone, and instead he just made this little huffing noise like he was all exhausted and stuff, and everyone (including me + penny) were like, 'awwww <3', and he was like, 'o.O;; *ga-faw*', Lol. It was great. Then he thanked us all for coming, asked if we were all okay (everyone was like FGFDHHHH, lol) and said it was a very special day today and they were all very happy, y'know, the stuff they probably say at every gig, lol, and then he said something like, the next song is pretty heavy so you all better get fucking crazy. I think. His accent was kinda strong. x.x He came over to our side alot, and encouraged people who weren't doing spastic arm dances to do them. When they started doing them, he was like, :D, so that was cool. ^.^ I did film a bit, but we weren't allowed to take motion photography, so I didn't upload it. ^^;;

kaede eventually came forward again, yay. His bass had like, all jewel stuff encrusted into it. It was pretty cool. Didn't get a good photo of it though. x.x

He would like, stare at each audience member for like, two seconds. It was so scary. x.x But kinda cool. He kinda smiled a little when everyone cheered when he came forward, lol. OHOH, I haven't mentioned fanservice. I dern think the whole vampire incident counted as fanservice? I dunno. But yeh, Kiwamu & Fu~ki molested each other alot, which I honestly didn't think they would, since most people were in the seats, and I think most of them were just there out of curiousity. But whatev. kaede didn't do any. Everytie Fu~ki would come near him he would kinda look at him wearingly, like, 'i don't do no fanservice, dawg' or something. But whatev. Manda's first experience of fanservice, everybody. :D

Kiwamu then came and yelled something in the microphones loads of times. Had no idea what though, since it was in Japanese.

Penny said it sounded like the Japanese version of Hip Hip Hooray. But.. who knows.
They came almost like, right into the crowd alot, except kaede again, and if we were in the row in front of us we coulda gotten a feel. x.x But oh well. Fu~ki got caught onto a lot of audience members alot. XP Anyway, then he was like, this is our last song, blah blah. And they did a last song which I haven't heard before, and went off the stage. We got out the crowd and got Penny's bag, which was still where we were sitting before, and when we got back we didn't have a cool view like before. Some of the crowd were chanting encore in Japanese, but stopped cause most other people weren't joining in.. probably cause they had no idea what they meant. But yeh, soon enough they came back on, and did one more song. Then it turned out it was Fu~ki's birthday. Yaaay~

They had this little cake and everything. And I couldn't see well what happened next, but Penny told me something about that Kiwamu tried to 'accidently' splodge lotsa cake into Fu~ki's face, but he avoided it somehow and after that (this bit i saw, w00) Fu~ki somehow splodged a whole lot of into Kiwamu's face, and kaede just stood a bit away mocking them. Lol. It hilarious. XP Then they said thankyou and stuff, and left. w00. The best hour and a half of my life. :D I really wasn't expecting them to be that good, but they were majorly awesome. Fu~ki's voice was pretty amazing, and showed off alot, like, 'look how long i can hold this note for'. Lol. ^^; Anyway, we got out, and our hearing was all muffled and shit, and I had almost lost of my voice from yelling too much, and we both had sore arms and feet. x.x Penny was like, "i can't hear anything. x.x yell something." and I was like, "FUCKING HELL." and she was like, 'ah, i can hear.' And then we didn't say anything for a while. Lol. Then we found my mother and told her a bit about it. But since my voice was almost gone, not alot. Then we went off to line up for the signing. We took another video --> [here] <-- and in the middle this staff member asks if he wants us to take a photo, and we were like, no its okay, it's a video, and he was like, ok. I say something about how the vampire bit was hot (o.O) and then I go, 'fanservice, FANSERVICE' and Penny goes on about how adorable kaede was. Lol.

This was the queue. Kinda long. x.x
Some dude said that they would only sign stuff if you bought one of their CDs, and everyone was like, wtf, but apparantly that wasn't even true, but whatev. But they had sold out of CDs, so we got forms to order one. Yay. Penny didn't get one though. Everyone was like, omfg, £25?! It was including shipping though. I was used to obscene Japanese merchandise prices though. -.- Anyway, we were in line for a loooong time. And Penny decided not to get autographs or photos or whatever for some reason. I think she felt guilty for not buying anything? But whatev, anyway, I fiiinally got to the front, and they were signing stuff, w00, and Fu~ki kinda.. looked at my top for a while, cause it had Dir en grey on there, and he said something to Kiwamu in Japanese, and he started staring too. Fu~ki's expression was just kinda curious, and I couldn't tell what Kiwamu was thinking. He always looks kinda gawpy and terrifying at the same time. Oh, and Fu~ki's eyes are huuuge. x_x They scared me. Lol. Anyway, got a photo done too. :D After I stacked it over kaede's dress of course. o.O Thankfully, no one noticed. Lol.

Yay! I have red-eye though in this photo. And I look kinda scared. Probably cause I was. So yeh, Manda got to meet a real-life visual kei jrock peoples. :D

Yaay~ Happy Day. And we took one last video in the car on the way home --> [here]. I hardly ate anything all day. All I had was half a bowl of Special K, some crisps, a hell of a lot of water for my stupidly sore throat, and a bit of a roast dinner. But it didn't matter, cause I was all giydufduf. Yeh. o.O;; We eventually got our hearing back properly. Everything isn't muffled now. Lol. And I can talk properly I think. I haven't tried today. Lol.

I shall scan some of the stuff we got in our free Ayacon bags, and our badge things, and the autographs obviously, later.


Oh, and it was Otakon this weekend too? w00, conventions everywhere. x.x

[EDIT] Scan-age!!!

The cool bag we got free with lotsa stuff in them. This isn't a scan. Obviously.

This is a scan. Lol. A bit of the form to get the Blood albums, a Blood sticker, and my name tag thing.

Autographs. =3 Yaay~

The pretty booklet we got in the bag.

The booklet had its own section on VK. =D

It annoyed me a bit they called Nightmare 'average'. Nightmare pwn. Oh, and they have a scary Mana in the corner. To scare the bejeezes outta me.

Thats it.

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