The Beast Arriveth

Jan 08, 2011 03:31

The new system arrived today! I have been busy making it dance for me. In fact, I am using the bizarro Win7 handwritey thing to write this entry. I apparently need a ton of practice because the poor system can't read half my made-up words :(

Anyway, long Story short-- I'm running the new system in to see what sort of modifications it's going to need in order to become art-ready. It's already double the speed of my previous system, fast enough that I was able to install Corel 11 on it with no problem. I was playing with the new brushes and I can't believe how much nicer it is than version 8. They also fixed some really irritating bugs (mainly to do with merging different types of layers. In 8, you can't merge Gel layers or any other special type. Only Default. Pain in the ass!)

I am already shopping for ram sticks. This system can take up to 16GB, and the donations should help get as much as I need. Just gotta find a decent price for the memory and other upgrades that come up and that'll be that.

Of course, life is never PERFECT. As soon as I'm seeing a light at the end of the hardware tunnel, my car decides to succumb to normal wear and tear to the tune of 800 bucks worth of repairs. Ay caramba! The good news is that no malfunction is more than 290 bucks or so alone, so I can do the repairs in several visits. The bad news is I have to go to the mechanic several times and I'm broke, wah.

But I don't care because NEW COMPUTING MACHINE.

So that's it for now. I'll be back this evening with your regularly scheduled Kagerou update. HAHA! Thought I'd miss it because of the hardware changeover, did you? One of the cool things about upgrading computers before one utterly fails is the total lack of rush and panic to back the data up the old system and onto the new one. I quite like it!

Thank you, swarm32! This system is awesome. It made my hardware-loving neighbor Matt drool a little bit.
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