greetings from the TC

Oct 19, 2009 14:56

Hey all! I'm at my new place in Spring Lake Park and am halfway through the moving of my stuff. If you read my personal blog you may have noticed I was relocating rather suddenly as of this month to a really nice place on a lake. What can I say, opportunity knocked.

I miss Northfield already, but I will be visiting Jess and Seebs every week when I go down there for my shrink appointment.

Meanwhile, I need to figure out a way to afford new housewares for my flat and become all self-sufficient like, not to mention the upcoming push for proper car insurance.

So I am using my day to brainstorm, and as soon as I have the computer cables I forgot in the Northfield house, I may be doing commissions very soon, or resurrecting the extra page donation incentive.

Sheesh, this independence thing is expensive. Also I think I left my brains in Northfield.

Gotta get a new bed that fits the room, toiletries, all that good stuff. Basically if it goes with your kid to college, I need it. (Other than drugs and glittery-eyed hookers. I got that covered.)

So that's what's up right now for Luka. I have internet only through my smartphone for the time being, so if you need to contact me, AIM is the way to go.

PS still waiting on issue #1 to be put in the comixpress store. Issue 2 is being formatted, and #3 is in the initial coloring stages. #4 is still sketchy but it is all coming along. And as usal, I am working on Kagerou whenever I have the time and am not busy petting dogs.


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