(no subject)

Apr 22, 2009 23:24

Yesterday I noticed Dennis was acting a little odd and after about an hour or so of watching him we came to the conclusion that he was needing to go to the bathroom but wasn't able to. I was worried we would have to have him put to sleep since the vet told mom last time he had a blockage that he wouldn't be able to cathertize him if it happened again.

This morning mom woke me up to let me know they were taking him in since he was hurting and didn't even go into the kitchen for the usual breakfast of canned food. I got up and headed into the sunroom to spend a little time before they took him off and I'll admit I bawled like a baby when they drove off. Later while I was out paying my cell phone bill and doing a few other stops they vet called mom back: the block was near the end of his penis so at least it WASN'T in his bladder, he was anemic and there was a lot of blood in his urine so they had him hooked up to an IV. Hopefully he'll be able to come home tomorrow if he's still doing well. Fingers crossed!


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