(no subject)

Feb 24, 2009 01:38

Mir wasn't quite sure how long it had been since this whole thing had started. It had been at least a couple of days now, and he had been fighting for almost all of it. He'd lost count of how many enemies he'd destroyed and they still kept coming, relentless. He wondered how long this was going to last. Would they really be able to defeat this threat?

Would he really be able to last long enough to find out?

He was tired, and hungry, but he was holding up for now. So far he'd been pretty lucky. He hadn't run into anything he couldn't handle on his own and when he had there had been others near by to help, but he didn't think his luck would last much longer. This was definitely worse than when he'd been fighting to save Mirrorland in some ways. The enemies he'd fought there hadn't been quite as numerous and he'd had more of opportunities to catch his breath. Some enemies were tougher than others but he'd managed to pull through somehow. Still, he had his limits, as he'd discovered when he'd finally faced Dark Mind. The only reason he'd survived that was because he'd sealed it away, which wasn't even a permanent solution. He doubted he could have actually beaten it.

Mir's train of thought was interrupted for a moment when he heard the sound of a large group of people headed towards the empty street he was on. He immediately ducked into any alley and hid behind a garbage can before whoever it was caught sight of him. Once they went past without noticing him, he relaxed and slumped against the wall. He didn't want to fight right now. He needed a chance to rest before he'd take anymore enemies on.

Now he found himself wondering about the people he'd met during his brief stay at the school last time. Did any of them remember him? Did they even notice when he left? Did they care? He wasn't going to hold his breath. Kirby had been friendly and oddly carefree, if a bit simple minded, but he seemed to have a short attention span, and Adeleine had been so nice that she must have other better friends. Not that he'd known them long enough for them to come close to considering him a friend. He hadn't even seen either of them since he'd come back, so he didn't even know if they were still here.

That made him remember the voice of that one monster with the large eye who had appeared during the first battle. He hadn't fought it himself, but it had still managed to get to him anyway. It had called him weak and had said he would always be alone, not to mention a lot of other things. It reminded him a bit of his fight with Dark Mind. He didn't really want to think it was right...

Shaking his head to clear it of those thoughts, he stood back up, deciding to find a better place to rest now that the cost was clear.

mir's being negative again, gloomymchgloompuff, dark mind, the great war event

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