I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 07, 2007 01:21

Well, I've been gone for a while... Three months, actually, since I've posted, and boy has it been a long three months. But, some stuff -has- gotten done. ^_^

I started an experiment to see if I could draw a manga, for one thing. I don't know if any of y'all remember the huge Xover-of-Doom I dreamt up way back in 2000, but I've decided to use that for my experiment, and Hino, Tenshi, Ko-chan, and Mantha are all in it. It's eight pretty big pages, so I won't post them here, but if you're interested, go check them out at my dA account. (http://kageno-tenshi.deviantart.com/)

OH! And, I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed, tomorrow morning at 0900. YEAH! They're not even gonna put me under. The doctor's -planning- to just use novacane(sp?). He says since they're fully emerged, he won't need to slice anything or give me stitches. I'll even be able to drive myself home. This is all things I'm very happy about. I certainly wasn't looking forward to the idea of being high as a kite with someone there to babysit me and take incriminating photographs... >.> ... I know you would, Witmer...

OH! And, we're seeing Spiderman 3 for free on Tuesday! YEAH!!! ^_______^ They're showing it at the Japanese theater off-base, but tickets there cost 1600 yen, and I didn't feel like spending it when they're offering it for free here. *shrugs* I figured since I don't have to go to work (no drugs, but they're still letting me off work. Can we say VICTORY?!?! XP ) I can go stand in line, early, and hopefully all my friends and I will be able to get in. *crosses fingers*

Also, for any of those I haven't told yet, I'm in a play. YEAH! I'm a dancer/chorus-boy in The Music Man. That's right. Chorus-boy. When I auditioned, I was wearing my uniform, which leaves a lot to the imagination, and they took a head-shot for future reference, and when the director went back to look at it, she was like, "I can tell this is a female because no male in the military has that long of hair, but her hair's short enough to be a teenage boys. YES!" So, she asked me, and I was of course highly amused and agreed to play a teenage boy (the cast was severly lacking in the boy department). The funniest thing, though, was on the first day of rehersal it was hot, so I wore a tank-top, and when I walked up to the director, she was like, "Who are you playing?" I answered, "I'm playing one of the boys." She just looked at me, well, at my assets... and was like "We'll need to work with your costume..." ^^;;; I can't help it, I'm blessed! ^^;; So, yeah, I'm dancing and singing in The Music Man. It's fun. Our first show's in two weeks. Woot!

And, as an apology of sorts for not posting for so damn long, I leave you all with StickyPics! ^_^ Witmer and I went a little crazy at the arcade, and here's the results all for y'all. If you're interested in the individual images, I posted them all on my photobucket. (http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/Kageno_Tenshi/Photos/Japan/StickyPics/)

Mihama01.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mihama04.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mihama02.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mihama03.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ok, that's it. I've gotta go mentally prepare myself for a life without wisdom(teeth). Bye! And, hopefully it won't take me so damn long to post next time, ne? ^^;; BYE!

Me. =^_^=
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