I was trying to sleep, really I was... Shh... Don't tell. ^_^

Dec 22, 2006 05:36

None of my music has words, apparently... ^^;;; Or, at least, those that do aren't in English...

*sighs* And, I was all ready to actually do one of those memes floating around, too... *pouts*

SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *has been up pondering ponderous things instead of sleeping like a good girl and will now be in big trouble because she hid from the world to go to sleep, didn't, and now will be too tired to navigate, tomorrow. Oh, woe is me.*

Well... Kingdom Hearts 2 music is playing... Sanctuary remix from the end-ish... Does that count? ^^;;;

And, now it's Cirque du Solei... *sighs* I'm defeated... Katie, what's the French saying? I can't understand it... Sounds suspiciously like 'Stella...' >.>... Not going to go down that path... Way too tired...

That's it, I will FIND music, damnit, then my mind can rest, peacefully, and I can (finally) go to sleep like I was supposed to five hours ago. *sagely nod*

Twenty, ne?

1.) Ooh!! English!! *clears throat* Taking forever to start... Let's see if I can remember them before, shall we? "Hold me, sweet, I'm sitting in silence..." Except that I just realized that the reason it's taking so long is cuz this is the intrumental version... *glares at iPod* But, if it had been the vocal one, I'm pretty confident those are the first words...

2.) OOH!!! This one's good! "Hush, now, my baby, be still, love, don't cry." ^_^ That's victory. Course, it's one song... X/

3.) Never been really sure of the words on this one... Oh, that's why... It's not in English... Well, this line is, so XP "How come I must know where obsession needs me to go?" I think needs is the verb... ^^;;;

4.) *laughs* This is fun. "Now if I help you with matters that you see, the sort of thing comes kind of hard for me..." I don't think a lot of my stuff is gonna get guessed at this rate. ^_^

5.) I lied... "Long lost words whisper slowly to me, still can't find what keeps me here, when all this time I've been so hollow inside..."

6.) Let's see... Who wants to bet the next one isn't in English? Any takers? ^_^ *laughs* Almost... Starts out in Spanish... With an accent for the rest, at least. I can't hear the Spanish, so I'll say the English... "Will drive you MAD!"

7.) XIA GE! ^_^ *laughs* Let's see if I can do this... "Sonei wa sagashita no no shita..." Watch that mad transcription skill go... If only it was Chinese. Might have been easier. ^^;;;

8.) *laughs* Speak of the devil tongue... "Duifa yisheng zhen women liang ge ren zhen ni dao ban qu shen dao le ling de shi jian mei chong zhen yong de hong zhen tou shang hou zhi ren." That was fun. First Chinese I've transcribed since Texas. FUN! Though I think I did more than one sentence... *reads the Chinese* Yeah, definately... Though, it's hard to tell with Chinese... The concept of runons doesn't really apply, ne? ^^;;;

9.) EASY ONE!!! Better than Asian Language 101, at least... "Grey skies clouding up the things we used to see with wide eyes..."

10.) Wordless, I'm pretty sure... No, they say "yeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEP!" *laughs* That's good enough for me. *sagely nod*

11.) OOH!! MANTHA!!! GUESS!!! "Have you ever been lost in a different world where everything you once knew was gone and you find yourself powerless with everything that exists..."

12.) *giggles* I think this one might be obvious... "The name on everybodys lips is gonna be ROXIE." Do you recognize her boobs, yet? ^^;;;

13.) *laughs* What's with all these Japanese people singing in English? "Looking back the morning cast a (unsure) face in your glass..." That's all y'all are getting... This one's Enrish is not so good... X/

14.) Great... I need English music, apparently... "Kawanamai mutsu sumono gosa bendei..." That's it... Can you guess? ^^;;;

15.) *laughs* Skip this one. It's bells ringing. No words but the beautious trill. ^_^

16.) I like this song. It makes peoples' eyebrows twitch when they're not expecting it. ^_^ "Every single day, I walk down the street, I hear people say 'Baby, so sweet.'"

17.) Aw... I can't do this one justice with cheap need-to-sleep transcription... I'm just gonna say it, cuz it's one of my faves, anyways... Ares by Gackt. There, I cheated. ^^;;;

18.) Here we go, y'all can actually guess this one. "Heart don't fail me, now, courage don't desert me, don't turn back now that we're here."

19.) Followed by more Japanese... Le sigh... Oh, wait! I think it's another instrumental. Cool!

20.) LAST ONE!!! I can almost see the sleep, now! ^________^ And, it's Japanese, too... Good one, though... Let's try that transcription trick, again, shall we? "Kasei no hoite a'ana itare kiane ioroni... Kitto sore wa waranai!" (added the last line cuz it's my favorite in the song. I already cheated once, ne? ^_^)


*willing self to sleep*
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