Avatar and LONG ASS RANT

Dec 02, 2006 13:47

I actually woke up at 10:30ish today and I DON'T KNOW WHY. Last time, it was because my app was coming up and I think I was anxious, but now I have no excuse cus I don't feel anxious at all this second time, reagardless of if I get in or not. ::Strokes chin:: Or am I? ::shrugs:: Either way... I think it was destined for me to watch the Avatar Finale. Prince Zuko~! :DDDD

Seriously, I really am amused by Zuko and his princely!angst. But, to tell you the truth, seeing how HAPPY he was scared the crap out of me... He was so freakin' cute and 'Awww, he's smiling!' but at the same time I was like 0.o 'Where did angry!Zuko go?!!?! Haha, and he chose the fire nation after all... but come on, we all KNOW that's not gonna last cus he's the kind of character who will eventually 'fight the good fight' after some huge epiphany. And for that, I laugh and totally ship ZuTara because I am special like that. Also because I know that she'll totally end up with Aang because that's just how these stories go and I rarely ever ship main couplings, it seems... Except for Furuba, because my luck turned good for .025 seconds.

In other news, I finished my app for CFUD again. Sent it in. Await my second failure and mull over my two different versions for my other app. ::strokes chin:: Should be interesting, I guess. Won't wait until the last minute so I can get more than 1 out of 3 betas to respond... =_= I plan on getting at least 2 Naruto-mun's to look it over and one person who knows nothing of Naruto to make sure it's still funny without knowing the canon fully. Or so I say I will but procrastination is a disease, I tell you...

Now, I really have no problem with people believing in God, centering their life around Him and all those other sorts of things. But, religion, in general, is just one big quagmire of hypocrysy. Maybe it isn't the religion itself but the people involved. I will, for one, put aside the hole badboytouching issue because we all know about that and shake our heads in dismay even though most of us couldn't give a rat's ass as long as it doesn't happen to anyone we know.

But, again in general, I think that if you want to beleive in God that you shouldn't rely on religious rules to govern you. As far as I know of, the ten commandments are just Common Sense things. Don't steal cus it isn't yours. Don't kill anyone because you have no right to. Treat your neighbor the way you want to be treated because karma is a bitch and it will bite you in the ass. Things like that. And, honestly, church people are some of the worst people. Ever. Don't even look at me like that. They are some of the most two faced people out there. Coming to church Sunday after dancing like a ho on Saturday night. Embezzaling money from the church [not that others don't do that as well]. Gossiping about people behind their backs because you're too much of a wimp/pussy/douchebag to do it to their face. I really just don't like it. If I don't like you, you will know. I may not come out a say it, but my tongue is sharp and you shall be ripped to shreds in one of my less tactful moments. They are frequent.

I'm not even saying this is true about all church people because generalizations are bad and I know that the church is capable of doing a lot of good things. They help out the community. Give scholarships. All sorts of good things, but that doesn't really change my opinion of them as a whole. I think self-study is the best way to learna nd appreciate almost anything, and the Bible is one of them. I would rather read it all myself and take what I want from it than let someone else guide my thoughts and actions in something that supposably so important.

I especially hate how we're supposed to have a seperation of church and state but there's all this talk about how marriage should only be between a man and a women because God Says So. Personally, I don't think that should have anything to do with our laws. You keep those things at home and out of our government. If you believe homosexuality is wrong, fine. You have your own opinion and I understand that you think it's disgusting and gross and ew and all that. Everybody has their squick and that's a lot of people's. But you know what, the arguement 'The parts don't fit so don't do it' is a better arguement than 'Some higher being who I have never seen but believe is there says it's wrong, so don't do it!'. I don't understand why everyone has to be so meddling and try to ruin other people's happiness. Get a life. Get a hobby. Exercise you lazy ass instead of sitting around all day thinking of ways to stick your nose in someone else's business.

And another thing I haven't ever understood is people's fear to die. Maybe it's my lack of survival instinct or just showing how cold blooded I really am, but An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth isn't taken nearly as literally as it should be. I believe that if you kill someone, you should be full and ready to die yourself. If you don't want to die, don't want to see the consequences of your actions, then you better not do it. Those people who are like 'We have no right to kill someone no matter what they've done!' get on my nerves. Those people who say 'They can be reformed and learn how bad they were and go back into society' are deceiving themselves. I believe that you can feel guilty after doing something in the 'heat of the moment'. Even if you'd been planning something bad for a long time and do it, you can still feel guilty afterwards because the action of doing something speaks more volumes than thinking of it. For a first offense, I'm willing to say you have learned and go on your merry way, but after that, you are all on your own and I have no mercy for you...

What is the purpose of life in prison with no possibility of parol? Hope? Hope for what? You're NEVER getting out. If you escape, they'll hunt you DOWN. If your life is so important to you then WHY DID YOU DO IT? What is the point of confessing to a horrible crime and lessening your sentence from death to life in prison. You want someone to tell you where to piss, when to sleep, what to eat, dictating the rest of your life just so you can LIVE? If you have the balls to do whatever you did, then die like the bastard you are with your head held up, as horrible as that sounds. Just get on with it and stop spending my tax dollars to keep your miserable ass alive.

And going back to the religion aspect of this rant after that long tangent... All you have to do is repent and your sins will be forgiven? God will forgive you for all you've done if you just believe in him? That's some shit. Everyone be thankful we have a merciful God, because if he wasn't, more than half the population would be burning for eternity in the bowels of hell. Whether it be stealing, killing, lying, we would all be burning. ::snorts:: And that's why I say you need to go on common sense and humanity rather than religion, but you know what? Morals differ to every person so who knows which way is better...? Might as well stamp it 'TBA : Social Morality To Be Decided' and get it over with, cus we'll never come to a single conclusion anyway...

Begin Time : 12:42 PM
End Time : 1:44PM

bitching, anime, rant, cfud

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