Random Thoughts

Jun 25, 2006 22:32

This post is a random assortment of thoughts that have been assaulting my lately.

You know, everyone has that one pairing of characters, hetero, yaoi, yuri or whichever that just makes them think 'WTF do I LIKE this pairing?' I think I really have gone crazy. I haven't watched E21 in a while since the fansubs have kinda stopped for a while from the subbing group I was getting it from, but I was on animepaper.net and saw a banner of Hiruma and Mamori. I find that I like that pairing, but WHY? I like Hiruma, cus gun-toting pyschos are hilarious, but Mamori is just kinda there. Yeah, she's the manager, but she's kinda just in the way other than that, but she's the only person who can stand up to Hiruma, which gives her a lot of respect... but then together? ::blinks:: I never even got the idea until the later episodes when she tried to bandage his knee and he started to chuckle and jiggle it all around so she couldn't bandage it. I found the scene so 'endearingly amusing' [and I choke out the word endearing] I started to mull the pairing around in my head. Excuse me while I twitch and try to figure it out...

Ha ha, money doesn't like me! It seeks to flee from me at every opportunity. If my car were to break down ANY time before Otakon, I would be so screwed. There's no way I'd go to Otakon, and the pre-reg due date is the 4th! I damn it coming so soon! After that it's 60 bucks, and I couldn't afford that extra 10 dollars if I do go... =_= I have yet to sort out with Merideth the hotel costs either... >_> I'm going to have to start working more. If my check gives me only 386 bucks on a 61 hours check, I'm in serious trouble. I looked at it, and they took out 90 dollars for taxes. My gross check was 508 dollars... You would think I at least would get 400 out of it? But no, 15 into savings, 30 into 401k, and 90 in taxes. With monthly expenses no less than 350 a month going into school and gas expenses, I should still have money to save, and you know, if it wasn't for car insurance expenses, I'd be up 200 dollars, and that's not even all of it. My mother agreed to spot me 100. ::sighs:: I just don't know where it all goes... and I hate the idea of going into work earlier than 5:30, but I'm going to have to start. Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, that's 2 1/2 hours by the weeks end and an added 5 hours [which is nothing... =_=] plus all the weekends I seem to be adding recently, giving me 6 day weeks and not just the 5 that's killing me already. I swear I'm getting carpal tunnel if I don't have it already...

Sadly, the more depressed I get after the end to a good story, whether anime, manga, or regular book, let's me know just how fucking good the thing was. I just finished the last book of that long ass trilogy of trilogies by Robin Hobb and the sadness hit my like a rock. I kinda thought, 'Well damn. What the hell else am I suppose to do with my life?!' I've been reading these 9 books for MONTHS and have gotten so ingrossed in the stories and gotten so attatched to that stupid ass Fitz, the Fool, Nighteyes, Kettricken, and just recently Dutiful and Nettle that I just don't know what to do with myself. 0.o

I mean, it's like, I followed Fitz since he was fucking SIX until he was a man of THIRTYFIVE. Saw him do stupid thing after MORONIC thing, nearly die dozens of times, finally get laid, sire a kid, run off for 15 years, fuck up EVERYTHING for the BILLIONTH time, fix it, and then RUN THE HELL AWAY like a DUMBASS, fix it for GOOD THIS TIME, and then, it was the end. How many characters that I loved died or just disappeared? Hell, I'm still mourning over damn Verity. But Dutiful and Elliania's little boy Prosper I can just imagine is the cutest thing. ::smirks:: I wouldn't be surprised if Dutiful knocked up Elliania on their wedding night. Seriously, if they hadn't been seperated, Dutiful wouldn't have been able to resist Elliania jumping his bones and would have gladly allowed himself to be pounced upon. ::laughs:: I think he's around 20 at the end of the story and probably looks just like his father [in spirit, if not body] Verity. ::sighs:: Now I'll just have to get over it and move on.

Exiles [the second book] is next, then Crossworld and Outcasts by Mr. 'Buy My Book'. Then, I have the first book of another trilogy my classmate gave me which means two more are to follow. Seriously, I don't think I've read this much since sophmore year of highschool when I was going through John Sandford like an alchoholic through wine. I count manga as reading, but there is a different between 3 hours to get through 200 or so pages of just words and 3 hours to read through 6 manga. Either way, sucks up a lot of time... 0.o

Oh, and now I'm going to scream. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My term is over! My new classes start next monday! Where did the past 5 weeks go?! ::slumps:: Time is slipping away like sand through my fingers... Just never enough... ::sighs::

eyeshield 21, life, books, anime

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