Story Time

May 24, 2006 12:08

Holy crap. I was just scrolling over the 3 realms and just boggled. All that information, and I don't really know what I'm supposed to read. The background stuff I glossed over... because my eyes started to unfocus and my mind wondered into some of the details in my own story... But either way. Holy crap.

I've been adding, slowly, to a private post in my journal details to my story, but I have such a long way to go. You never knew how much you take your government, social system, class, how money transfers, business relations, culture, and transportation for granted until you have to plan the whole damn thing out yourself. 0.o ::breathes:: Kami help me... I even have to create a religion... Hell, religion(S)! There has to be two at least. Oh the conflict...


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