I got my words from
havocmangawip. Comment for woooords.
1. Reply to this meme and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
2. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.
1. Dragons - At first, it was because I was obsessive and like collecting and breeding them XD I even had sticky notes that showed who I bred and what they produced. I bred them every friday 8D Yeah, that's kinda creepy, but whatever. >_> Now I don't really follow what's going on at all anymore. I post them because Pan will beat me with her walker if I let the eggs that she even more obsessively collects XD She can't start her own because I have a bunch that she can't get anymore, and she's one of those must have 100% completion types XD Ahah.
Speaking of eggs:
2. FMA - Pretty sure she picked this because the reason why we were friended was because I was reading her fanfic that focused on Havoc and Scheska, whose name I can no longer spell now that I've been out of the fandom for so long. >_> FMA wasn't my first anime by a long shot, and I actually didn't hear about it until loooong after it had ended in Japan. It's one of those shows that, as a total otaku who thought I had the pulse of anime under my thumb, I missed and STILL wonder how. Now I can see if things slip through, since I'm not watching and reading it all the damn time, but back then? How did I let a 51 episode anime that was SO EPIC slip my notice?
3. Cons (Your Otakon organization AMAZES me!) - Hur. If there's one thing I hate is when I'm on a trip and know I paid too much. Hell, even knowing I went to the store and got something and paid five dollars more than another place, if I haven't opened it yet, I WILL go back to that store, return it, and go buy it at the other place. I'm anal about money sometimes. Frankly, when it comes to planning trips where I have to pay for things like hotel, gas, food, ect, I don't trust anyone else but me to do it. I'm fair, make all the information fully available for how much everything is, and I don't add on extra padding. It is bare bones how much it is EXACTLY to get to that place and back. If you want something extra, go ahead, and if everyone else wants to do it, they can go for it, but I'm not going to be responsible for more money than I have to be. With hotel being more than a thousand bucks that I'm accountable for, I'm not looking for anyone else to give me more money. Other than that, cons are fun and I enjoy meeting up with people from across the country for that once a year get together. The actual events themselves aren't really the draw when I go to anime cons now. It's the people \o/
4. RP - I talk about and do it so much, most people on my f-list acquaint me with RP. If I talked about more RL stuff that actually mattered, RP might fall by the wayside, BUT as of right now, most of my f-list I've met through RP. Only the oooold folks know me from way back when I actually wrote fanfic. RP has gotten me a lot of friends, and I'd say it's lost me a few, too, but that's life. I enjoy it, but wish it hadn't killed most of my other creative urges XD;; I actually might be able to say the computer in general killed them... >_>
5. Avatar - When Avatar was still airing, I totally spazzed all over my LJ about it. I enjoyed it, and if I re-watched it, would enjoy it again. If there's one thing I lament about Avatar is that it didn't have the anime length seasons of 13, 26, 52. I think that show could have done a LOT more fleshing out with 6 more episodes to each season. The thing I both like and don't like about it is that there weren't many cliffhangers at the ends of episodes. That's something that has me flipping tables in anger all the time, but if it meant more time to flesh things out, I would have loved that series even more. I will say though, for a kids show, it was/IS pretty awesome. |D