Otakon 2009 || July 17th-19th

Sep 04, 2009 08:05

And you thought I forgot.

Otakon 2009

My adventures for Otakon begin on Wednesday this year, since that’s when Cheza came in via plane. I picked her up at the airport and then had to go roaming around for money from everyone so I could deposit it in the bank before we left since I didn’t want to have to carry so much cash around with me. Then, I had to take care of chibi from, like, 5pm to pretty much 10pm. If I had a schedule, it put a kink in it because I couldn’t even pack. We went to go eat sushi, went to the park to hopefully run my sister down, then back to my house where chibi is a chicken and is scared of the kittens. :| I mean really? They’re kittens. Next, we left her at home but then I had to drive and go pick up Jay to bring him over to our side of town before we left. I got annoyed at that since it was, like, 10:30 and I hadn’t even packed a stitch of clothing myself yet. Dropped him off at Pan’s, picked up more money for hotel, and went home, where I still didn’t manage to start packing until about 1am [trying to finish up mod stuff before I left].

Thursday morning I woke up at 9:30ish so we could get up and go to the bank to deposit the money. Didn’t end up leaving until 10:30ish [later than I wanted] and we went to Pan’s first so we could go get gas together, and this was around 11am, when we wanted to leave. Before we left for gas, Kristen realized she’d forgotten her ID at home [or hadn’t realized she’d need it *beats her*] so after we got gas, I deposited my stuff in the bank, and Pan realized SHE forgot something DX and she went back to her house while I went back to Kristen’s. Then we met up at my house for a last bathroom break before we left at noon.

Leaving at noon was actually a good idea, since except for the lunch traffic, we missed almost all delays going up there. There was the normal slow down around Baltimore, but that’s because people don’t know how to drive. I was blaaazing up the highway 8D. We made it there in 2.5 hours. I cut off 30 minutes [or more] off of our time. Ahahha we didn’t get pulled over, lucky~ Kevin was complaining about me switching lanes so much, but if there are faster cars behind you, you get out of the way. I was going 70-75 the entire time, but you know people were zooming past ME and we’re supposed to get out of the way. Not to mention I don’t know why he was on my ass anyway when Pan has a GPS in her car. It isn’t like he’d LOSE me. You don’t have to switch lanes as soon as someone else does if you’re following them. I know I don’t. That and I hate it when people tailgate me. We switched places for a bit, and I just rolled behind Kevin a good 2-4 car lengths behind because that’s what makes me comfortable. Someone got between us once. Oh well. Not like he disappeared or anything. I just don’t get the franticness that requires tailgating.

Oh, bonus! We didn’t get lost OR take ANY wrong turns. It was amazing. I think the trip to Boston earlier made me better equipped to follow my GPS’ sometimes too damn late instructions.

Bonus 2! There was this nice green mustang. I think it cut me off and then I cut him off when we were in downtown Baltimore. I went on past and Kevin was behind us. I was wondering why the Mustang was turned halfway between two lanes and not moving and thought it was traffic. Turns out, it had turned and another car just ran smack into it. Pan and Kevin saw it happen right in front of them and then swerved around it to catch up to us. We all agree that Imouto cursed it when she said something about it cutting us off earlier.

We rolled into the hotel at 2:30pm. Amazing time! \o/ Dragged allll of our shit out of the car [or they did, I was checking in |D] and I paid for the hotel in a mixture of cash, debit, and credit >_> That poor man. I dropped the rooms for Sunday night [having forgotten to before] and then was like… oh hay parking, and paid for that with cash. The guy gave us 5 key cards [huzzah] for each room and I gave them to the others before Kevin and I parked.

In the parking deck.

That was right next to the hotel.

Not even 1 minute walk away.

It was amazing.

Then we went up to the hotel and flopped around for a little while before I txted Ari to let her know I was here. I went wandering around the city because I was bored as shit in the hotel room, and then she txted back saying they’d meet me in the lobby. I rolled back to the hotel and that lucky bint was on the first floor D8. Her two chibi’s are crazy hyper XD They were bouncing all over the place XDDD. We talk about random stuff [of which I forgot] and mod stuff. Then Kevin called saying they were at the mall and I was hungry so I rolled out to meet them. The pizza line took forever as a lady with a bajillion kids with her was having a pizza party or some shit and then I ate, we went back to the hotel, and… uh, we met Kevin’s four friends who drove up after us. I only remember two names. David and Travis. David was upset about not being the token black guy since Jay was there. And I cackled at the almost even number [for once] of minority vs white and girl vs boy ration this year. It’s usually overwhelmingly minority XD 7.5 black people. 7.5 white people. 9 girls, and 6 boys. Lulz, me and my numbers.

After eating, we decided to go to get into the registration line. Well, actually, Cheza and I decided to find a fucking smoothie that WASN’T 5 dollars. They had a Ben & Jerry’s, so I actually got icecream instead >_> and she found a smoothie place. It was delicious. Then we joined the others in line where we were assaulted by the jesus freak with the microphone. He shows up again later, unfortunately, though he was stalking the pre-reg and reg lines all weekend. It took about an hour, but it was a bit… toasty. ;__; Then we went back to the hotel and tried to figure out what we’d do all weekend. I… didn’t see much I wanted to do, honestly. Conventions have kind of worn down for me. I just go to be with people that I only see once a year.

Jillian texted me to let me know she was alive. Holy crap. And amusingly, she was north of DC. I was like ‘….you know, I’m in Baltimore for Otakon’ and so she made her way up. I had already let go of my hotel rooms the day before, so I have no idea where she ended up. Some ghetto place that they had to drive to the con center, but I didn't find that out until Sunday on the way home.

Around 10pm I went [with Imouto and Kristen] to go pick up Kris from the bus. Her bus didn’t even get there ‘til 10:45 or something. I read a book. =o= But either way, we picked her up from the creepily dark auto place across from the… shut down bus station [hey thar shady >_>] and then went back. By the time we got back, pre-registration was done for the night. ~_~ So we joked around before going to sleep, and Thursday ended.

Friday morning, I popped some clothes on, since I decided that showering the night before was smarter than trying to drag into the shower in the morning, and we were off. We being me, Cheza, and Jay, were hungry mother fuckers, so we went to get a smoothie for breakfast, then hopped over to McDonalds, where I discovered the deliciousness of egg mcmuffins. It was more delicious than it had any right to be. Then, we ended up walking to the bookstore, since Jay wanted… what was it? Walking Dead #9, I think it was. I just found a chair and nodded off while listening to my MP3 player. Then we draaagged ourselves back to the convention center where we hopped into the Dealer’s room line. I’m not sure when Kris joined us… She just appeared like a wild pokemon. Either way, I stayed for an hour or two in the Dealer’s room then wandered out. I didn’t have money anyway, and the only thing I was buying was a bag, which I didn’t get Friday.

I ditched… whoever I was with at the time, and somehow managed to get to the Hilton. I like that the con is getting bigger, but WTF the Hilton walkway is long as fuck. It took forever to get there. I went to my Days of the Wolves of Mibu: Shinsengumi in panel room 5. It was informative, and I enjoyed myself. =D Then I wandered over to Baccano and sat alone [though still down the row from everyone else] to watch episodes 5-8 of Baccano. Jon and Jen appeared… errr, sometime around episode 7, I think? Then we all went on an adventure of fail to find the Curry place from last year that was closed when we went.

We wandered for forever and when we finally found it, it was clooosed. *cries* GAH it was hot, and I had to rush off [without eating] because Sorah had made it to the hotel and I needed to let her up into the room. I gave her a sweaty hug [Sorry Sorah OTL] and let her up. Then we came back down and went to registration really quick since she had to be back in time for her to do something. We got back to the hotel [via the long route, my directionlessness strikes again] and I streak off to the Philosophy of Bleach Panel where Pan was waiting for me.

That panel sucked. Sorah told me maybe it was about resurrection and how it fits in or gender roles. Nope. Just lots of loud shouting, random picture drawing, and guess that Bleach character with the answers typed upside down on the bottom of the slide. :| It was about 15 minutes before I decided it wasn’t worth it and left with Pan. I was still hungry as shit, so we went to the Bank of America building. I got a slice of too expensive pizza and Pan… didn’t get anything but ate later.

I went back to the hotel, and died for a couple of hours. I think most of our room went to the Dub Actors After Dark Panel, and I got in line for the Yaoi-ing game. I actually hadn’t meant to go to that, but since BL Games was after it, I ended up staying in the room anyway. As for the Yaoi-ing Game. One guy got onto the group of 5 contestants. He didn’t know a siiingle thing and was known as ‘The Funny Guy’ since his first answer to the question was ‘Penis?’ We lawled. XD The first part was questions, of which I didn’t know most of the answers. Not surprising, but it was fun. The second part…… was video clips where you guessed what anime it was from.

Watching porn with strangers. And by porn I mean uncensored Sensitive Pornograph among other things.


And then there was the guess which pairing is more popular by judging how deaf you get by the screaming. I don’t know who got best in that one, but I was thoroughly deaf by the end of it. The BL Games afterwards had random girls in my room in it. And a Haley \o/ Yaaay. We got to see some good trailers that almost made me want to buy some of them, even though the other ones [non-BL] that I bought I never even opened, much less played. Then a representative from J-list, who licenses the games, partially took over the panel [since they invited him up] and took up a big chunk of time, so we didn’t get to see all of the intros/trailers. We did get to see an AMV for one, and the song was nice. 8D So we all went and downloaded it |D *listens to it now* But that was later, as we went back to the hotel. Showered. And slept. \o/

I have to announce now [in this most random of places that makes no logical sense] that Otakon always has ice cream men sitting outside of it. It’s fucking amazing and I get some every year. A cone for a dollar. A delicious dollar well spent. Along with the people selling water and sodas outside for a dollar or a dollar fifty. Cheaper than the con and most places around. They also have hotdogs and hamburgers, which I don’t buy since they’re almost as expensive as the con food, and I don’t give those bastards money either. =D

Okay, so. Saturday morning I didn't have anything to do until the 'Anime's Craziest Death's' panel. To be completely honest, I don't remember what I did that morning. I know I was hungry, but I didn't eat. There was a trip to the Dealer's room where I harassed both Cheza and Jon to help me find a new bag. I never really liked Messenger bags, and always liked the one shoulder type. But they don't HAVE those with anime on them, so alas. I was shit out of luck unless I got a Bleach Squad 4 medic bag. Which I'd only get if I cosplayed ~_~ Or one of those Gaara Sand gourd ones. Again, no. SO. I sucked it up and got my Ghost in the Shell, Laughing Man bag, which I like very much, messenger back or not. I almost got the Gurren Lagann one, even though I haven't even watched the show. None of it, except for AMVs. BUT it was a little small, and my sketchbook has to fit in it. I didn't try and see if it would, because then I would have had an even harder time choosing. I had to use said bought bag as a shield so Jon couldn't ninja any damn pictures of me while we were in line. Srsly gaiz. Stop trying to steal my soul with your cameras. I lost it ages ago.

The Craziest Death's panel was the most bloody thing ever, and full of awesome. AND THAT LITTLE GIRL. The toy ambulance can't help you now BWAHAHAH. *coughs* Anyway, we got about 15 minutes into the panel before it was shut down because [after all of that violence and blood and shit] they got upset over bare boobs and a harry cooch. I shit you not. Oh America. Why so hypocritical? Either way, what we saw was amazing and we'll stalk that panelist next year.

After the panel, I lost Jon [and Jen, too, after miraculously finding her then using flee] again, and left with Pan and Cheza TO GO GET CURRY. Srsly, we have such a hard time with that place. The Island Food is delicious, but their hours XD The guy actually... remembered us from last year [ahaha is that bad?] He thinks we're going to a gaming convention and not anime, buuut whatever \o/ They were actually OUT of chicken curry. Good lord I almost cried, but the brown chicken was fucking delicious, so I ate well either way. He only had enough for one person, so we waited while he cooked it up. I got an Orange Blast smoothie, which was the best fucking smoothie ever, and then Pan and Cheza wanted smoothies later. I think Pan nearly had an orgasm from it, it was that delicious. Better than Tropical Smoothie and Fruits by faaaar. Next year, fuck the small, I'm getting a large. *skips right over Medium* And since we know his hours [ahaha finally] we can go on Thursday if we get there as early as we did this year. He closes at 6, and on Saturday he tries to close at 4. *fist pump* Prepared for next year!

After that, we barely had time to get back in time for the AMVs. They were supposed to start at 3, but oh CP time. The projector was being a douche so it started late, BUT we saw it and had fun. There were good ones, and I didn't have trouble picking winners, but that fucking Best of Show... I didn't vote for one. I couldn't even think which I like best of the best >_> I went to the game room for the first time [and last time] right after the AMV contest because it was RIGHT THERE and I had nothing else to do. Jon, who had been complaining about my ninja-ness, did manage to sneak up on me two [or was it three?] times in the game room. We are far from even, since I have ninja'd him so many damn times at AB and Otakon. His fault for wearing a red shirt... They had Pump It Up, and I played it a little bit before deciding to go back to the room. I missed the 'How to Dance Like A J-Pop Star Without Arrows' panel. Too lazy.

Before going back to the room though, I remember the Tachikoma I had bought for my uncle. The 85 dollar Tachikoma that I had forgotten in the AMV room. I did a mental facepalm. I'm sure anyone else would have been spazzing, but I was like *facepalms forever and goes to see if it was still there* It was. \o/ and 85 dollars was saved. It was in the same spot on the chair where I had left it. Amazing.

The girl who randomly appeared in our room [well, I knew she was there, but I didn't know her or anything] paid me 20 dollars for staying in the room. She said 'I think that's fair' and I kind of give her a look. I didn't want to bust out with '20 bucks isn't fair, since everyone else paid 72 and 20 dollars doesn't even cover one full night in the room, much less three'. But that would have been a bitchy thing to do, and I didn't think of it at the time. Instead, I ordered pizza for everyone with it. It took forever for us to order the pizza because the interwebz was SLOW AS SHIT and so I just sucked it up and did it via phone instead of going for the deal. It actually hates the hotel phone, so Cheza called and got through immediately. Go figure. 8| The pizza took fucking forever, and by the time it arrived I had to steal breadsticks and a slice of meatlovers before I fled. Not to mention they fucked up my order and so we got a cheese pizza instead of pepperoni. I called the place back and for once, was a customer service nightmare [like my aunt, lol] and got a free pepperoni pizza \o/

I missed the Irrashaimasse! Host Club Culture in Japan, panel because of the pizza and my very unwillingness to get up and leave. When I finally did after the pizza was there, I didn't even get to eat until I was in the How [Not] To Write A Lemon Panel. Which was amazing because... well. It was amazing. Some of the things that people use in fanfiction boggles my mind. So not sexy. I'm glad I didn't write any of them down because I would have had to use them purposefully just to torture someone else. As much fun as that would have been...

Then there was 'asses are not self-lubricating' and talk of plot, or lack of [Mmm PWPs] and character development, and such. It was a good panel, and the question and answer part was full of lulz and more fun information. Once it was over, I rolled out of the panel room followed by Kris, Cheza, Haley, and Pan. The 'Your Favorite Video Game Character Sucks' panel was right after, and Jon and Jen were in line. I debated going back to the room, but for what? Just to be bored, so we went in and it was worth it.

There was talk of astral bodies and their desire to plunge out of the sky and kill you [the sun in Mario, anyone?] and those MEDUSA HEADS in Castevania. Generally, I had fun and lawled even when I had no idea what they were talking about. Then it was WALUIGI TIME and they ran around the room and the panel commenced. I still have no idea, but that's okay. Probably. The panel ended and we took Haley back to her hotel because she had a fear of being kidnapped, raped, and killed in Baltimore if she walked alone.

True, that might have happened, but probably not. And we took the LONGEST WAY POSSIBLE around the hotel just to end up in pretty much the same place because Haley didn't have a keycard to get into the side entrances. :| Then on the way back WE FAIL and can't figure out how to get to our own hotel. |D Oh, lovely fail. We stopped a 7-11 where Kris got... something, I don't even remember, and Kevin kept calling Pan to try and figure out where we were so he could meet up with us. At 2:30 AM. In downtown Baltimore. And we all wondered what kind of fail logic he was using, as we were safer in a group trying to go back to the hotel than him wandering alone trying to find us. In general, that annoyed the fuck out of me because if I say something once, I don't want to have to repeat it because you have a hard head. I also hate being interrupted for useless shit when I'm trying to think. :| BUT THAT'S SOMETHING ELSE ALTOGETHER.

We got back to the hotel, there was a LOT of pizza left, almost all of the pepperoni, and they saved it for breakfast because I wasn't eating any of that shit tomorrow. :| I had pizza every day that weekend so far, damnit. I packed up all of my shit, only leaving out the things I would need for tomorrow morning while trying to ignore the drunk who kept talking and talking and repeating himself. ~_~ I got in the shower, delicious hot water, and he was STILL talking when I got out. *makes a face*. Finally, we conveyed to him we had to sleep, since the other room had already turned the lights out. Lucky bastards.

There was much dancing to my alarm on Sunday Morning, as usual, since Chin: "Too Fast, Too Serious" was my alarm tone. I ended up sending that to everyone, along with Baketsu Umeuta [Soul Eater Ending Song] because I beat it into everyone's heads by the end of the trip. I finished packing my shit, and dragged it down to my car. We actually had the car PACKED before we left for the panel that started at 10:30. The first time ever. I swear, that shit was amazing. We were on point for this con, somehow.

So Pan and I went to the 'Without Watching the Anime: Opening and Ening Themes' which was done by the same guy who did the Love Hotel panel at anime Boston. Jon and Jen appeared and much fun was had. It was actually informative, and not just us watching OPs and EDs for an hour XD It talked about what they represented and how they also made money etc etc, and how some of them were creative. HachiClo and its food, I'm looking at you 8| After that, I had nothing else to do. I had actually avoided the artists alley like the plague all weekend because it's a fucking pit. A pit for your money. But I went down with Jon and Jen, somehow found Kris and Cheza, and was brow beat into buying the only other thing besides food and my bag. A Shinagawa laminated picture on a chain, which is now hooked onto my GitS Messenger Bag until he rips off or I bend it and cry. I was ambushed one last time by Jon because Kris was scent marking me and I couldn't turn around and scan my surroundings like usual. :|

Imouto and Kristen appeared, but I ditched them, ahaha ~~/o/ to leave for the hotel room, since Imouto forgot her L'arc En Ciel DVD that Cheza was trying to steal/yoink from her all weekend after she found out Imouto bought it for 5 bucks XD; As I was leaving, I was forced to give Kris a goodbye hug, and spied Jon and Jen. THE LAST NINJA TRICK WAS ALL MINE as I snuck up on them 8D. Jon and Kris are totally related, as they have to give those bear hugs as if they'll never see me again. 8| Jen and I were like, 'Eh >_> *patpatpat*' XD then I fled the convention center.

We... COULD have left right then, but I ended up talking with Sorah for about an hour about random things. RP mostly, and IC consequences for IC actions and how some people just FAIL at recognizing that they can't do stupid shit like that without repercussions. :| There were a few we pointed at in particular, buuut yeah. I wished her a goodbye and good travels, was giving another bearhug of doom, and Kristen, Cheza, Imouto and I rolled out at... what was it? 1:30pm? So god damn early. Jillian started txting me around that time, too, saying she was on her way to the convention scenter. That sucked, because we’d already left and I didn’t want to be the one to hold us up. We took a journey around the world by going down Rt 301. I hate that fucking road. Hate it. Cops all over the damn place, fr srsly. BUT the good part was seeing the reckless motorcyclists pulled over by three cops. |D Aa, retribution.

We stopped at an A&W place, and I wanted this Texas toast mushroom, swiss burger, but it had onions and they couldn't take them out. *sighs* So I got a regular cheeseburger instead. :| And those apple pies were delicious. We finally hopped back on 95 and rolled up to my Mother's, since I had to pee like a mofo after two full cups of orange soda, and I wanted her to know I was home without getting trapped on the phone. She saw the 85 dollar Tachikoma and made a face at it. I shrugged, because I wouldn't have paid 85 dollars for it unless it had gold leaf in it. And even then... We dropped Kristen and Imouto off at Pan's since that's where Imouto parked, then I rolled up to my Uncle's House to deliver his Tachikoma... where I forced him to open it so I could look at it XD His wife was like 8| at it because it was 85 dollars, and I was like 8| because I told her I wouldn't have bought it either, and my figures didn't cost more than 10 bucks |D; He showed me the sword his wife got him, and it came with darts.

Obviously, he hadn't tried the darts out before, and they were blow darts. He decided now was a great time and shot it out at the couch. While my Aunt was on it. She screamed, and had a hissy fit, My uncle and I lawled because that shit was awesome, and I have no idea what Cheza did because she was being inconspicuous a few feet away XD After that, I went back home, started my con report, but finished up to Friday maybe? I had to catch up on all my RP shite and that took a few hours >_>

I ended up reading some of Cheza's yaoi she bought and didn’t go to bed until 2. :| And I was tired, damnit. I finally dragged out of bed at noon, and we left kind of late for Cheza to get to the airport and still drop by Imouto's house before she left. It didn't help that she raided my external harddrive and I waited until the last minute before I took a shower >_> I ate Taco Bell for the first time in months, and they have this Baja Blast Mountain Dew that is fucking DELICIOUS but only available at Taco Bell. Which pisses me off because I don't ever go there, and then went off to the airport. I stayed for about an hour before waving Cheza off through security and going home.

My house feels empty now. ;__;


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